July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

Sign ups are now open for the August swap. This is a Mystery Swap again and has fewer categories so it will be more of a mystery.
So as of this morning I have one Blue Copper Marans and one Showgirl Silkie (chiqita) from last month's swap hatched!!! I have quite a few more pips and will hopefully have a few more chicks running around when I get home!
So as of this morning I have one Blue Copper Marans and one Showgirl Silkie (chiqita) from last month's swap hatched!!! I have quite a few more pips and will hopefully have a few more chicks running around when I get home!
YAY! I think it was either a black copper or a olive egger, however. I havn't goten any blue hens. its on my wish list...
I have lockdown TOMORROWWW! and Monday! The turkeys all look like they made it, I have about 1/3 of the other eggs that will go, I had bad chicken luck this month. You people better tell me what I have!

I shoveled all the eggs into 2 incubator today and changed my hatcher. DH is unhappy with the humidity control on one of the bators and wants to use it as a hatcher instead because I watch the humidity in there like a hawk. I've been searching for a cabinet incubator, but so far I keep missing them! I was 10 min late on a brinsea 380, was soo bummed!

All my silkies have decided to go broody along Whit miss Dolly the Orphington bully. So that's three broodies waiting for chicks. And 3 still sitting on their chicks. CHICKENS< YOUR JOB IS TO LAY EGGS!

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