June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

Still in the hospital with my daughter. I didn't even stay this long when I had my appendix out 23 yrs ago and her surgery was laparoscopic. It hadn't quite ruptured yet, but was pretty close, so they think it must have leaked some. We can't keep her temp down. Poor baby is miserable!! So excited to go home, soon I hope, and get started!! Its Spring Break week, so wouldn't have gotten a lot accomplished this week anyway with all 6 girls home. Hopefully she will be much better soon, & next week I will do a few practice blocks with different fabrics then get the real ones done! :)
Still in the hospital with my daughter. I didn't even stay this long when I had my appendix out 23 yrs ago and her surgery was laparoscopic. It hadn't quite ruptured yet, but was pretty close, so they think it must have leaked some. We can't keep her temp down. Poor baby is miserable!! So excited to go home, soon I hope, and get started!! Its Spring Break week, so wouldn't have gotten a lot accomplished this week anyway with all 6 girls home. Hopefully she will be much better soon, & next week I will do a few practice blocks with different fabrics then get the real ones done! :)
Hope she is soon better and running about again. Do you get a bed to sleep in at hospital ? You don't at our local hospital when a child is admitted. When my son got his finger shut in the door and had to knocked out to sew it back together he sent me home at 9pm as he said he was fine and he wanted me to get some sleep - he was only 8 ! The next morning he was in theatre for over an hour which was the longest hour of my life but its great now and he shows everyone his scar!
I hope she gets to feeling better soon what a miserable way to spend your Easter break,

The hospitals have chairs that can be pulled out and made into a bed, or they have like recliners that you can sleep in. The only time you can't stay is when someone is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). But then the waiting room has the recliner so you can nap. Kids are so resilient, I fully understand the longest hour, my dau had surgery when she was 3 and it is awful having to hand over your child. Question you call surgery "in theatre" so where do you go see the movies? We go to the theater to see movies/plays etc.
I hope she gets to feeling better soon what a miserable way to spend your Easter break,

The hospitals have chairs that can be pulled out and made into a bed, or they have like recliners that you can sleep in. The only time you can't stay is when someone is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). But then the waiting room has the recliner so you can nap. Kids are so resilient, I fully understand the longest hour, my dau had surgery when she was 3 and it is awful having to hand over your child. Question you call surgery "in theatre" so where do you go see the movies? We go to the theater to see movies/plays etc.
My oldest daughter had a tumor removed from her skull on Valentine's Day, 2006. She was 14 months old. That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Sonderah, I am glad your daughter is feeling better and so glad they got it in time. One of my cousins has an extremely high pain tolerance. When she was 10 her appendix ruptured because she didn't say anything about not feeling well until it was too late. She was in ICU for a week and we weren't sure she would make it. Because of that experience, I am pretty watchful of my second daughter-she is very much the same way. She is 6 now, and last spring she was playing on a tire swing and her braid got caught. She yanked her head loose and never said a word, but her hair was a mess-when I went to comb it again, there was a piece of her braid that was about 1/2" thick and 8" long that fell out. It made me want to cry-that had to be painful!
My oldest daughter had a tumor removed from her skull on Valentine's Day, 2006. She was 14 months old. That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Sonderah, I am glad your daughter is feeling better and so glad they got it in time. One of my cousins has an extremely high pain tolerance. When she was 10 her appendix ruptured because she didn't say anything about not feeling well until it was too late. She was in ICU for a week and we weren't sure she would make it. Because of that experience, I am pretty watchful of my second daughter-she is very much the same way. She is 6 now, and last spring she was playing on a tire swing and her braid got caught. She yanked her head loose and never said a word, but her hair was a mess-when I went to comb it again, there was a piece of her braid that was about 1/2" thick and 8" long that fell out. It made me want to cry-that had to be painful!
Babymakes6 that is just plain scary that they have that high of a pain tolerance.
Started cutting fabric last night...I can cut into strips at home, then bring it in to work and cut the strips into pieces at work...but I ran out the door and left it all on the table. Gosh I just wish I could bring my machine with me.

Sonderah, still keeping your daughter in my thoughts and prayers.

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