June Bug/Japanese Beetle Popcorn!


9 Years
Dec 27, 2010
Waxhaw, NC
Thanks to a brilliant idea by BYC'ers, I purchased the Xpando Japanese Beetle traps. Over the weekend I must have caught 400 of these annoying suckers, and then fed them straight to the chickens. At first they were hesitant thanks to the wriggling of these critters, but once the rooster started in and eating the rest of the hens jumped in and it was a free for all. You'd have thought I threw popcorn down in the run!

Love a product that gets rid of a pesky problem, and also feeds my chickens a nutritious meal!
Hi There,
Where did you order this device? Does it work for June Bugs also? The June Bug explosion is starting to slow down here in Michigan. The past few weeks I've sweep the ugly, disgusting insects up and served them as an appiatizer to my gals a couple times a week. Yes they went crazy. I'm sure the Japenese Beetles will be our next plague. Anyway this sounds worth looking into. Could you post where you ordered it from or can I find it online by googling it. Thank you, have great evening!!
June bugs ARE Japanese Beetles...people use the term interchangeably.

I got mine on Ebay. I bought 6 of 'em to hang around the property and it works super well. Way better than those bags, and the container easily detaches so you just empty it in front of the girls lickety split. Search for Tanglefoot Xpando Japanese Beetle trap on Ebay or Google.

I couldn't believe how they gobbled 'em up. And since I put them in, my crape myrtles have started to flower since the darn bugs are now in the trap and not on my darn trees! This product is truly versatile! Love 'em!
Sorry - june bugs and japanese beetles are not one in the same. They are similar, but japanese beetles have more color to them. June bugs are almost all black.
I don't think what we Michiganders call June Bugs are the same thing you guys are talking about. I always thought Japanese Beetles were a different version of the Lady Bug. Both look the same just different in color. Japanese being orange colored and the Lady Bug being red. What we call June Bugs here are actually grubs. These grubs live in the soil and in the spring emerge from the soil as transformed June Bugs. They are gross, dark brown, have hard shells, legs & feelers and about the size of large grape. They are attracted to light, abundant at night (swarm towards yard lights) and have a loud crunch when stepped on. Yuck, I know sounds gross but the chickens love them. Guess I'll have to do some research to see if these traps will work. June Bug season is almost over so I wait till next year! Thanks Folks!
M.sue. I think what you are refering to is what a lot of people call July flies. They are really cicadas. The larvae spend many years in the soil and hatch out in the spring, leaving those crunchy little hard skins on the trunks of trees.
Yes what a great description. Larve....double yuck, yuck. I've found them in my flower beds & pots when planting. Now that my girls are free ranging, I've noticed a few running away with their new found treasures.
I always thought these bugs were one in the same...here people always referring to 'em interchangeably. Yes, mine are that shiny green. I stand corrected if they are separate species. But, anyhoo, these traps are for Jap Beetles. The girls and our roo Gus love 'em!
In Massachusetts, the June Bugs (as we know them) are large brown bugs that fly into windows and doors at night as they are attracted to the light. They're quite stupid really. They tend to land on their backs and can't get themselves turned over. Sometimes they hit the windows so hard at night, you'd think someone threw a rock at the window!

Japanese beetles as we know them here are much smaller, black with an irredescent green on thier backs. They eat everything. So far this year, they haven't attacked yet, but they're coming soon. Once they do, I'm going to try the trap and have some treats for the girls and Bruce the Roo. Thanks for the idea.

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