JUNE HATCH-A-LONG come join in

Hi! I know this is kinda late, but can I join? I've got seven eggs under a broody, and most of them I think are developing (I'm pretty sure one isn't) My hatch date is next week.
Well, the first two are due next Monday (the 21st) and the others are due sometime in the week (23rd, 24th, and then maybe the 26th? - I don't remember when exactly she laid the last one). I'm so excited, and really hope all the developing ones hatch.

This is the thread I started about her:

Congratulations to everyone who's pipping, hatching, or already has the little babies. How is it going, AmberH?
Grats to all on your new chickies!!

to you all who've had dissapointments.

We're on baby watch now, the incubator hatch that was set for the 16th is under mama now. I expect this hatch to go a little later, maybe into the same date as the original clutch she set on. That set is due the 18th, couldn't have timed it better myself!

Well, wanted to upload a new pic of my little bared rock baby, but BYC hates me today, no uploads for me
I do exactly the same with the shavings and papertowel (great tip learned from BYC!) and it works really well. I just keep changing the papertowel because they poop ALOT and after 4 or 5 days take it right out and the bedding is there.
@ Fluffy: Best of luck on your hatch! I am sending good thoughts to your pips!

As for my own.... It's been a very sad day for me. I had previously candled my hatch for the 24th, but it seemed like they were all clears. It was a little early still, though, so I made the decision to let them sit. They didn't look infected or anything so I wasn't afraid of explosions. I talked to the lady I received them from and she told me that the barn where they'd been stored had gotten very hot. Hot enough to start incubation for a day or two before she brought them to me, where they cooled for over 12 hours before being put in the incubator, because I assumed she'd stored them in a cool place as well.

So I took them out of the incubator, and I gently cracked one open in a bowl so I could check the yolk to see- fertile? Infertile? Sadly, it appears that she was correct, and that it was hot enough for incubation to start before they got to me. There were a couple of very thin, tiny veins along one side of the egg, about what I imagine days 1-3 max looks like. The eggs have been in for nearly two weeks and their siblings, who have only been in 3 days longer, are filling up half their eggs now. So I unfortunately had to toss all 8 of the 24th hatch

I also candled the duck eggs in the incubator.... 4/12 from the first group have little duckies in them. Pretty good, considering the person who gave them to me swore 100% infertility because she can't get them to go in her incubator!

So now I'm down to 6/6 still alive for the Polish hatch and 4/4 for Pekin mix hatch, with 17 awaiting candling next week for the July thread that will surely appear!
Is it possible to get two chicks in one egg? One of my broodies was sitting on 6 eggs and now there are 3 baby chicks running around... and FOUR eggs still remaining! I can't think of anything else except that one of the eggs had two little chickies in there!
@ Usul: I don't see why it WOULDN'T be possible, as there are definitely double-yolked eggs- I have myself eaten a double yolked egg. It's unlikely that this would happen due to space issues inside of an egg, but if you have two chicks much smaller than the others, that may be your answer. That or you miscounted the eggs; or she laid another while you weren't looking. How many egg shells are there, if you can count them yet?
I only counted two egg shells also! And two of them do seem smaller than the third...

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