JUNE HATCH-A-LONG come join in

I have had 12 of my eggs hatch between Sunday and Monday. They all seem healthy except one. It made it's pip on Sunday but then it didn't do anything more untill late Monday afternoon. It looked stuck so my dad said he was going to help it out. It was stuck to the membrane in the egg. It's legs are deformed. One sitcks straight out behind it and the other is curled up under it. They both work. He can move around by kicking with the stick-out leg and kind of pulling with the other. I am going to give it sugar water hoping that will make it stronger. We have been trying to do "physical therapy" with the chick. We hold the chick and move it's legs so they are both under it. But then it trys to move and that one leg goes straight behind it again. My parents said it probably wont live. I think it will live and could walk if that one leg was under it. Any suggestions or advice on how to help it? Thanks and congratulations to everyone!
For humidity I would like to be able to keep it at what it is ouside, because it always seems less in my incubator

My one hatch so far was not enough humidity I think, one chick was shrinkwrapped and the others just didn't pip.

So today is day 20!!! My broody obliged me and got off her nest while i was out there so i got to have a look at the eggs. No pips or anything yet, but I expect them to go day 22 or 23. They are very light, I think thats a good thing? They do seem a tad lighter then the three set to hatch in 3 days. Those ones she's had under her since day one and the weather has been moderate so I expect them to start pipping on time.

My DD scared me the other day, she said she only saw 5 eggs!! But they're all still there, where
I almost worry myself sick thinking this is gonna all go south at some point, lol.
My hatch is complete. Out of 28 eggs I got one very healthy, active polish who is a bully and 1 silkie that probably has a 50% chance of survival. I had to separate the babies yesterday because the polish was pecking, stomping and pulling the silkie around by it's wing. The silkie is TINY and half it's size. I candled the eggs that never pipped and none were good any longer.

I was so sad about my hatch rate that I drove to Marion last night and bought 4 three day old silkies (which are the same size as my newly hatched polish) and 4 three week old silkies. The older silkies are housed in a separate brooder.
@Layla: We had a baby dove with turned in legs that were bad enough it couldn't perch on branches even after it was a month or two old. We did some 'physical therapy' ourselves, massaging and rubbing at the legs for a while every day, twisting and turning them. After a couple weeks she started to show signs of improvement and eventually was able to perch with the best of them. If you really want that leg to stay put under your chick, you might try wrapping/taping it tucked up to the body for a bit. Their bones are still soft after hatching for a little bit, and the muscles are adapting too. Maybe you can catch it early enough. Good luck!

@ Mlove: So sorry to hear about that hatch! Pictures of the ones you did get?
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Thank you- we might try to do that. If we turn her onto her back she starts kicking with both legs, I will try to do that so that she has both legs moving but we may try taping/wraping it.
UPDATE!!! - my "guppy" first pipper this AM died. After I got up this afternoon (I work nights) it was dead, lots of fluid leakage from pip, I guess it drowned? Lots of other small pips and a few peeps going on though. Hopefully when I get home from work tomorrow I'll have chickies!!
Sorry to hear about the chick with the breathing problem. My first thought was that it pipped the internal membrane & there was an excess of fluid in the air sac, but I'm only guessing as it sounds just like what would happen with using high humidity at lockdown &/or prior. What humidity percentages did you use in this incubation. Best wishes with the rest of your hatch.
I just came across a hatchery chick care instruction sheet & it said 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to 1 quart of 98 F degree water. It was always so nerve recking for me to see the hatched chicks crashing around & turning the pipped eggs out of position. So I started using the "cardboard egg carton" method which keeps all of the eggs safe in position with the wide end up where the air sac is, starting on Day 18 for lockdown. It has worked well for me & others. Congrats on your hatch.

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