June quilt block swap

I'm thinking about trying this pattern for my first quilt: http://www.thequiltercommunity.com/Wcd8a93a259202.htm

really like the blue look all the way down at the bottom, the first setting example. Any thoughts? I'll be fabric shopping this weekend. Oh, and my swapper will get one of these blocks, plus I'm planning on making a quilt at home with the same pattern.
I was planning to hand applique, but I haven't done any before. I've been studying the instructions on Quilter's Cache and You Can Quilt This and I think I'm ready to try... Although when I do my quilt, I think I will ask a favor of a friend and at church who does machine quilting to finish it. I was trying to pick a pattern that didn't have too many teeny tiny pieces to applique.
I love to applique by hand, it offers the ability to create designs that have sort of a 2 dimensional effect and as a result, gives you a lot of artistic license. LOL

I have always done applique by hand for years. However, about a decade ago I developed rheumatoid arthritis and now my stitches aren't nearly as small and neat as I'd like them to be. Which frustrates me to no end. Lately, I've been thinking I need to learn how to machine applique to save my joints the wear and tear.

Hand applique is such an old art form, too. It is definitely worth trying out, for the experience, even if machine applique suits you better.

I can't wait to see your block when it is done and I hope you will post a picture of it!

Have fun fabric shopping, I am currently awaiting a package from Thousandsofbolts.com, myself!

I'm so glad you speak so highly of hand applique! I have been a little nervous, but I figure the old way is the best way to try to start. Although I work in the technology field, I really prefer to use the common sense, old fashioned approach to most things. I'm so sorry to hear about your arthritis, and I can understand how that would be very upsetting!

I have never ordered fabric online, but I have heard you can get better prices. Have you ordered from Thousandsofbolts.com before? Do you like them?
I really like the format of TOB's website, there are SO many different online sources and they are all wonderful in their own way....thousandsofbolts just suits me I guess! The prices are right in the range I prefer (lol) and the fabrics are high quality and the site is user friendly. I have ordered fabric through them many, many times.

There was a whole thread on fabric and pattern resources recently. You can find it here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=247741&p=1

for the kind words about the RA, I wasn't meaning to whine about it. After 10 years I have gotten used to working within my limitations. Still, there are days when I really want to do something that I have always ever been able to do, and my body just refuses to go along with it and I am left feeling like I was let down by a dear, old, trusted friend. (Sort of like, "Really?....sigh.......I expected better from you.") LOL If I pace myself, I do fine.

I agree with you about using common sense, and the old fashioned approach......
From one Deb to another, Welcome to the Block of the Month swap!

Sign up is open until the 10th so you're good to go.

Goldenluver is the coordinator and will put you on the list.

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