Jungle Fowl

All the San Diego birds I've seen so far were chickens.  But if it's like you say that their are few people with original birds, I'm curious to see pictures of them.

I don't know if you have researched up to that point, but the indians (murghi) that were imported here in the 1960's started with only a handful of birds kept by one person.  The only reason why those birds are still around (50+ years later) is because they were inbred to each other.  There's so few of them now that it's difficult to get them.  I once bought a pair of galliformes from an older gentleman who said that he's never crossed his birds with anything.  I believe him, and I will continue to keep his birds that way...because it was difficult to find pure birds like the ones he has.  I recommend you do the same if you manage to get pure rjf.

There's too many mixing going around it's hard to tell.  About the orange saddle, it depends on the bird and where it came from in the original habitat - some have orange while others have orange-red (similar to how some have white vs red earlobes).  The pictures I've seen of the indians here in the U.S. tend to have saddles that are more orange-red. 
. Do you still have the reds??? I would interested in a few if you want to sell any:)
Do you have any closeup pics of hackle eclipse feathers? I have a game cock that has exceptional length and shape to the feathers but coloration is off. Base red instead of uniformly black.
You know, I've never really bothered to pick out and keep some of those eclipsed hackle feathers. All I know is that those hackles are short, black, and rounded instead of long and pointed.
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I've only kept them for a few years so I can't say I've seen everything that the males do. The only thing I've seen so far from the males is that they do not put as much effort in raising the chicks. When the chicks hatch, the male pretty much ignores them as if he doesn't know what they are (irregardless of fathering experience). But as the chicks get older, the male soon figures it out and helps feed them sometimes. For protection against predators, the male pretty much serves as a sentry for the family and I haven't seen the male engage a predator (me included). The frequency of predators where I'm located is low and so I can't say the the male would engage a predator. But for sure, the hen does the engaging when a perceived predator (as in myself, although they never actually peck me) comes too near.

I recall reading some of your posts regarding the parenting abilities of male gamefowls and I would say that if there was a comparison in the parenting between male rjf and gamefowls, male gamefowls are much better fathers.
The literature indicates that the grey junglefowl contributed genes to modern day chickens. I forget whether or not there is contribution from the ceylons and/or greens. Perhaps your answer might lie there.
I'm looking for jungle fowl for sale...I would like to buy a hen and a rooster. How much would it cost me to buy them to gather
I'm looking for jungle fowl for sale...I would like to buy a hen and a rooster. How much would it cost me to buy them to gather

I have a 7 week old rooster for sale $100 cost is because of purity. You pay shipping and box. I have another young rooster of 6weeks not sure how pure but he is for sale for $75 plus shipping and box. I'm sure he is very pure just not as pure as the other rooster for sale or both for $150. Pm if interested

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