Got to missing having chickens around, so we got the two. Someone was selling some of 30, 12-wk-old SLW's , and we also bought an older one, who was already laying (could be 6 months to a year, we were told).
How's that Chicken Math work again? We have 4 Chickies now!
Almost a month later, a kid came by with a chick he said he'd found and rescued after a cat was messing with it. Into the dog crate it went, and when we went to get chick feed, we found that it was the same size as the Black Austrolorps the feed store still had some of (we'd been sort of wondering about the age and breed). My boyfriend decided it needed a companion its own size, so we came home with an "Americauna" as well. { I do already know that feed stores get their chicks from hatcheries, which means that it is not really an Americauna, but actually an Easter Egger instead.}