Just changed my signature line: 26 weeks and no eggs!

I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble.

But, when I got Heidi, Bright Eyes, Domino, and Moma Hattie last year, it was about July/August, they were probably about 15 weeks old.

NONE of them laid until March of this year.

So, out of 2 Australorps, 1 SLW, and 1 Light Brahma, NONE of them laid until Spring.

So, needless to say, I'm not expecting my pullets (their daughters) that hatched in June to lay until Spring of 08. Would be a nice surprise, but after just buying 2.5 dozen eggs for Thanksgiving, I'd be a PO'd chicken moma if they started now. LOL
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Yep, peeps born late in the summer season may wait til spring to begin to lay. They will begin to lay large eggs once they start, without all the smaller pullet eggs.

Is May 20 considered "late in the summer season"?

Tomorrow they'll be six months old. I researched Dominiques before I got them: self-sufficient, cold hardy, calm, good layers, early maturing.

I could understand if one or two weren't laying, but ALL FIVE???

I'm hoping that my younger birds will start laying, soon, too, even though it's rather late in the year and the light isn't right. I was sort of hoping that since mine free range and have windows on three sides in the coop that they might have enough light, regardless, to lay at least a few eggs, especially since the breeds I'm looking at are supposed to be good winter layers.

No luck so far, though. I have a few (hatchery/production) RIRs, though and they've very recently started getting quite large as well as red in the comb and wattles. I'm hoping that they will lay a few for me at least!

I'll be waiting with you, though, Wolfpacker!!
My 2 cents: 20 Buff O's, 1.5 yrs old- now getting max of 4 eggs a day! Have 35 chicks which we hatched from those gals, dads are EE and Buff O - plus I bought 5 RIR's and 5 White Leghorn chicks same age.... I better be rolling in eggs next spring! LOL
Yep Wolfpacker I have pullets born in late May and after.... I have not gotten a first egg!!...I don't think I'll have eggs til Spring....Any pullets hatched thru April usually laid in Fall....atleast the breeds I have....
I guess I can take some hope in the fact that one IS squatting when you approach her now. I've read in another thread here that means they're getting ready. But she's been doing that about two weeks.
I have 3 SLW and 3 BO that were 27 weeks old this weekend. Only 1 of the 6 is laying (SLW) and she has laid 17 eggs in 20 days. The funny thing is she is the smallest and others have bigger/redder combs and waddles. I guess they just mature at different rates.
The others all stand around watching her while she is in the nest box but apparantly no one is taking notes on how to do it!

At least we are getting an egg a day to keep our hopes up for more!

This was taken seconds after Petenshi laid her first egg - I actually watched her lay it!
Petenshi looks just like my Domino (also a SLW). So pretty, aren't they?

I guess SLW's aren't that shy...Domino is the only hen who I've ever been able to watch lay.

She was really quiet in the brush pile we had...and I got down there and she kind of purred like "ssshhhhh...watch this".

Then, she stood up, and out it popped.

She shaked her tail feathers like "take that" and jumped on out. LOL

It was too funny!
Mine were hatched out March 26th...no eggs yet! This is not a late summer hatch! We are in central Alberta, so I have added light to their coop...they get 15 hrs of it! My husband calls them aliens in chicken suits, I'm starting to believe him!

Eggless in Alberta

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