Just checking in

85 Jimmy

In the Brooder
May 6, 2015
Gulfport, MS
I'm new to the site and to having chickens. I picked up 6 red sex link pullets last month that are around 4-5 weeks old now. Right now they live in my dogs kennel inside as I put together a coop for them.

Every google search on chickens I do brings me to this site, so I figured I'd go ahead and add it to the list of forums I'm a member of.

I guess it's time for me to start looking around while I procrastinate on studying for my finals.

Oh, I'm from Mississippi also if anyone is from around here.
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Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Congrats on your sex link pullets :celebrate I too started my chicken adventure with these and they were excellent egg layers. Very rarely missing a day and a lovely starter bird.

Good luck with your chicks and your finals. Be sure to ask any questions you may have, everyone here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy BYC :frow
I can try and post some chick pics later. Finals are done, so I need to get to work on the coop and get them outside.

I'll have to check out the "where am I" forum
I'm glad you joined our community!

Good luck with your Red Sex-link pullets! Hopefully, they mature well and lay you some beautiful eggs!

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