Just curious who else is living super frugal

Child of Noah, that sounds like SUCH fun! And KUDOS to you and your hubby for doing it in such a frugal and thrifty way! A best costume award for the best "Frugal" costume. I love it! Maybe word will get around and it will encourage other children to "DIY" their costumes instead of spending tons of money.

After I was past the trick or treat age but still living at home, I'd dress up in a white sheet and sit complete still on the bench on my parents' front porch, looking like so many of the fake ghosts on other porches. I'd wait until one of my parents had already given the kids their treats (I'm not THAT mean) but then I'd moan really loudly and stand and raise my arms like I was going to hug them. HA! You've never heard such screaming and carrying on! The parents LOVED it. We had some of them laughing so hard I thought they'd wet themselves. By the time the parents recovered the kids would be at least two houses down the street and still screaming.

Unfortunately, here in the buckle of the Bible Belt Halloween has been demonized for more than 20 years now and very few children actually trick or treat here anymore. Most of the local churches compete with each other to see who can host the most elaborate Fall Festivals where children are encouraged to come dressed as Biblical characters (some even refuse admittance to children wearing what they consider demonic costume i.e. vampire, ghost, zombie, etc.) and "trunk or treat" from the car trunks of parents who line the parking lot. Almost nobody decorates for Halloween anymore either. You might get a few houses here and there who put up a few Halloween'y things, but mostly it's sheafs of corn stalks and uncarved pumpkins because those can transition into Thanksgiving decorations and there is nothing "sinister" about them. In the subdivision where we rented, prior to moving way out in the country where we are now, the first Halloween we were there I decorated with everything I had brought with me from our time in California. Strings of lights, spider webs in the bushes, black cats, big plastic lighted Jack-O-Lanterns, etc. Not only were we the ONLY house in the whole subdivision with decorations, we had a grand total of 5 children show up. We had bags of candy left over that we both ended up taking to our offices to give away to co-workers. The following year we didn't decorate at all, I was too dispirited to bother, and we went to the movies instead. Now that we are out in the country there is zero likelihood that we will see any children on Halloween but something in me still wants to decorate anyway. I think it's because Halloween was and still is my absolute favorite holiday. I miss the good old days when the streets would be so crowded with children in costumes and parents trailing along behind that it was almost a steady stream as soon as the sun set until around 9pm when all the stragglers would finally go home. It was nothing for my parents to count 150 children or more on any given Halloween. It's sad what it has become now - a mere shadow of its former glory.
Child of Noah, that sounds like SUCH fun! And KUDOS to you and your hubby for doing it in such a frugal and thrifty way! A best costume award for the best "Frugal" costume. I love it! Maybe word will get around and it will encourage other children to "DIY" their costumes instead of spending tons of money.

After I was past the trick or treat age but still living at home, I'd dress up in a white sheet and sit complete still on the bench on my parents' front porch, looking like so many of the fake ghosts on other porches. I'd wait until one of my parents had already given the kids their treats (I'm not THAT mean) but then I'd moan really loudly and stand and raise my arms like I was going to hug them. HA! You've never heard such screaming and carrying on! The parents LOVED it. We had some of them laughing so hard I thought they'd wet themselves. By the time the parents recovered the kids would be at least two houses down the street and still screaming.

Unfortunately, here in the buckle of the Bible Belt Halloween has been demonized for more than 20 years now and very few children actually trick or treat here anymore. Most of the local churches compete with each other to see who can host the most elaborate Fall Festivals where children are encouraged to come dressed as Biblical characters (some even refuse admittance to children wearing what they consider demonic costume i.e. vampire, ghost, zombie, etc.) and "trunk or treat" from the car trunks of parents who line the parking lot. Almost nobody decorates for Halloween anymore either. You might get a few houses here and there who put up a few Halloween'y things, but mostly it's sheafs of corn stalks and uncarved pumpkins because those can transition into Thanksgiving decorations and there is nothing "sinister" about them. In the subdivision where we rented, prior to moving way out in the country where we are now, the first Halloween we were there I decorated with everything I had brought with me from our time in California. Strings of lights, spider webs in the bushes, black cats, big plastic lighted Jack-O-Lanterns, etc. Not only were we the ONLY house in the whole subdivision with decorations, we had a grand total of 5 children show up. We had bags of candy left over that we both ended up taking to our offices to give away to co-workers. The following year we didn't decorate at all, I was too dispirited to bother, and we went to the movies instead. Now that we are out in the country there is zero likelihood that we will see any children on Halloween but something in me still wants to decorate anyway. I think it's because Halloween was and still is my absolute favorite holiday. I miss the good old days when the streets would be so crowded with children in costumes and parents trailing along behind that it was almost a steady stream as soon as the sun set until around 9pm when all the stragglers would finally go home. It was nothing for my parents to count 150 children or more on any given Halloween. It's sad what it has become now - a mere shadow of its former glory.
DH goes crazy with the decorations here. We live in a suburb about three blocks away from an elementary school. This is a seriously kid rich area. Anyway, he turns our front lawn into a small graveyard with some dirt and plastic bones (bought greatly discounted at after Halloween sales. :). ). We used to have a fog machine too but it doesn't work anymore. :/
I finally read through this whole thread... I LOVE IT! I feel like I know you all, Thanks so much for these awesome tips. I plan to employ many of them...I'm far from frugal but ya gotta start somewhere- I think i've found it in this thread!

Growing up, my mom made all my halloween costumes, and i would always win the elementary contest!!

We made soap this past weekend. Nothing frugal about buying a kit, but the idea was to see if it would be something I would enjoy. I lack patience... maybe this could be a good lesson for me. The jury is still out!
I stocked up on the ingredients for laundry soap, too! Thanks for the idea!

One thing I haven't seen mentioned was scrapping metal for cash... Where we live, there is so much trash in heaps, we can go pickin' and make a reasonable days wage! I find plenty of re-purposing opportunities too: I picked up solid doors and re-stained them to replace all the hollow core doors in the house! I feel great about the price! and they turned out great, "antiquey" Pretty proud of them really! yeah I'm a regular on CL!

I love my chickens, and want to get back to living on the land, but we are far from it.-Just now we live on a little land to maybe do it! A Greenhouse is in my future, in order to grow at 9000ft! For now, I will struggle with those tomato sprouts in the living room. We planted seeds from clementines at Christmas and were shocked to find they sprouted. We chase the sun around the room for them daily! I cant wait to see how that turns out!

I wonder if my son will realize what he has in this somewhat rural life; I grew up in suburbia and always dreamed of the hobby farm. I'm getting closer...At least I have chickens!...
.....more later.....
Halloween is the one thing I miss about living in suburbia. Out here in rural America, we get no visits from the little’uns, but I too have been thinking of a way to acknowledge Halloween - maybe a carved pumpkin out by the gate. The bobcats & coyotes will wonder by and marvel at the strangeness of human beings.
I finally read through this whole thread... I LOVE IT! I feel like I know you all, Thanks so much for these awesome tips. I plan to employ many of them...I'm far from frugal but ya gotta start somewhere- I think i've found it in this thread!

Growing up, my mom made all my halloween costumes, and i would always win the elementary contest!!

We made soap this past weekend. Nothing frugal about buying a kit, but the idea was to see if it would be something I would enjoy. I lack patience... maybe this could be a good lesson for me. The jury is still out!
I stocked up on the ingredients for laundry soap, too! Thanks for the idea!
I’ve learned a number of great ideas from this thread. The one most prominent is the recipe for laundry soap. I believe it was Mickey (red hat – somewhere in this thread) who suggested a website that had some great ideas – one of which is a modified version of the laundry soap recipe: Instead of using ¼ bar of Fels-Naptha, use the whole thing and after it cools down enough, put it in several mason jars. Put the mason jars in a blender’s receptacle (believe it or not, they are compatible) and turn it on. What comes out is a nice white paste which stays like that – you don’t have to shake it before using. One tablespoon does a load.
Halloween is the one thing I miss about living in suburbia. Out here in rural America, we get no visits from the little’uns, but I too have been thinking of a way to acknowledge Halloween - maybe a carved pumpkin out by the gate. The bobcats & coyotes will wonder by and marvel at the strangeness of human beings.

Lol. An amusing thought ...

Got straw bales started and ready for planting. Just trying them this year for the first time and going to grow winter squash in them. We were trying to figure out how to use our unused driveway that goes down one whole side of the property without tearing out the concrete, which is beyond our skills, and spending the least amount of money possible. Straw bales were $5 each which is far better than building raised beds out of lumber and filling them with soil. I've heard others in our area have had luck with them so we're hoping for the best. The large driveway expanse will also give the squash lots of room to grow and run wherever they like without being in the way of us mowing or anything else. We shall see how well they do.
Last year, we discovered straw by using it as a mulch covering. DW covered the ground with about 6” of wheat straw. What happened was wheat grew out of the straw without rooting into the soil! We never thought that other plants could grow out of the straw also. But this year, we plan to line a low part of our garden with intact bales. We will try planting flowers in them to attract bees. The bales we have now have started their decomposition before we were able to put them in place; so we will use them as compost for the earth. At the end of the year, you should have some very good compost as the bales seem to decompose quickly. In our area, we have been paying $7.00 per bale.
We planted seeds from clementines at Christmas and were shocked to find they sprouted. We chase the sun around the room for them daily! I cant wait to see how that turns out!

For sprouting the Clementines did you have to refrigerate or scratch the seed in any way? I have been wanting to grow a little avocado plant from seed too, just for fun.
We have an avocado tree we started from a seed four years ago. It's over six foot tall now but still have it in a pot. We just stuck toothpicks in the seed and suspended it in a glass of water on the kitchen windowsill. This is the second time we've gotten one to grow. My mom used to try this too but never got a plant.

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