Just curious who else is living super frugal

We have an avocado tree we started from a seed four years ago. It's over six foot tall now but still have it in a pot. We just stuck toothpicks in the seed and suspended it in a glass of water on the kitchen windowsill. This is the second time we've gotten one to grow. My mom used to try this too but never got a plant.

This is inspiring. I buy avocados almost every week, 2 for $1 at Groc. Outlet. They are small avocados.

Sometimes I get the huge ones at Costco if I need a whole bag of them. Maybe the larger ones would be better to grow??

Does your 6 foot tall one grow any avocados on it?
For sprouting the Clementines did you have to refrigerate or scratch the seed in any way? I have been wanting to grow a little avocado plant from seed too, just for fun.

I never expected these to sprout. My son that planted them was inconsistent about watering them, and they dried out significantly. Then he started watering them again, and one day, there was a sprout. He planted 4 seeds, and we have 3 sprouts. I suppose the drought may have mimicked winter in those southern states??
Sounds like Erinszoo has the avocado thing down!!
Good Luck!!
Just purchased two books today...both look very good.

Back to Basics - A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills


The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!

I was looking at both last weekend at Tractor Supply, but I bought them on Amazon. With shipping, they were still less than TS.

Click on the image of the cover when you get to each page, and you can see what's inside.
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Just purchased two books today...both look very good.

Back to Basics - A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills


The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!

I was looking at both last weekend at Tractor Supply, but I bought them on Amazon. With shipping, they were still less than TS.

Click on the image of the cover when you get to each page, and you can see what's inside.
I checked out the Amazon site for the book, Back to Basics, and what caught my attention was the chapter it had on recreation. For the past two years, I haven’t even thought about this subject as there are so many things DW and I need to do for our homestead. Most of what we have been doing has been entertaining in itself, but still – I have begun to wonder if we don’t need to break now and then and do something impractical, silly – something fun – but something that doesn’t cost very much. Frugal Fun would be a good subject for this thread.
I can relate. I think a lot of us with a frugal homestead mentality do enjoy so much what we do in this lifestyle, but a periodic "break" from any "routine" once in a while is important. I only wish I followed my own advice and did more outside recreational activities. Sometimes we need to step away to come back with a renewed appreciation and energy....and, sometimes new ideas.
Yes, MoonShadows, that is my thinking – all of our approaches to projects are starting to seem very familiar to me. It’s like getting stuck in a mental posture. I’m old enough to know that exposure to new environments usually offers possibilities that I would never be able to think of without leaving the comfort of my old habits. So now I am trying to think of something …. off the wall ……. something fun …. something frugal.
WOOHOO!! FRUGAL!! Next to free my favorite word! I heat with wood, cook with wood, oil lamps for light, buy bulk at the Amish stores.If there is a way to stretch a penny in I am all for it.

This is what I cook on and get all my hot water (except the shower) from. This was the day I bought her and getting ready to load up.

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