Just curious who else is living super frugal

Bienvenidos!!! So...You say you soak your man's work clothes. Does it help get the dirt out? I haven't tried that. But I will now.

And if you are cloth diapering...you might consider going paper free? We made cloth napkins, cloth hand towels (and also some rags I use to wipe up messes the kids spill on the floor with). I cannot believe how much we save not using paper products. Just a suggestion though.
Rathbone) Let me know how it turns out!! I am intrigued by it.

I went to Sam's club the other day, and picked up bulk flour, sugar, brown sugar, almonds, choco chips, yeast and other things. I am starting to revamp my pantry so I buy only on sale and have enough to last me through the times it's not. I need some 5 gallon food grade buckets tho. I didn't get to check pricing on dairy, but their meat was compairable to store pricing but their salmon was waaay cheaper than store bought. We don't eat salmon a lot, but I do love it.

Can't wait to get paid on Friday so I can pick up some turkeys for the freezer as well. We love having a mini-thanksgiving. I need a bigger freezer!!

You guys I have a confession to make....

I am a food hoarder.
RE: food grade buckets. I got mine at a local taco shop. They buy large buckets of sour cream and then throw the buckets away. I use these buckets to store my chicken feed, laundry soap, etc. Maybe check at the local restaurants and see what they have for free?
The only paper we use is toilet paper. I am great with cloth baby wipes, but can't get to cloth TP. Soaking DH's clothes helps, they need bleach every few months, but better than every wash.
I also forgot to mention this! Peanut Butter is going to be going up 57% so if you are big peanut butter eaters, stock up quick. New price changes have already been seen in Maine.
I'm going to stock up this weekend. Between a 3yo, baking and granola bars...we use a LOT.

Thanks for the ideas on the food grade buckets!!
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Great ideas on this thread! I love it so I thought I'd share what I've been doing to cut costs, keep costs down, and be generally frugal.

I got a few chickens and am waiting for them to grow up and start laying. I plan to increase my little flock in the future (year or so) to allow for dual purpose.
I buy in bulk where I can, mainly staples like flour, sugar, rice, etc... . Space is an issue for me so I can only get so much at a time but I haven't bought flour in a year. It's well sealed so I'm not too worried. I used to grocery shop the sales and coupon way but it was harder to keep up with and didn't always meet my needs.
About once a week or so, I go through the kitchen and do an inventory, put it in an excel worksheet that now I only have to update. Every week I plan the menu right down to the snacks, compare it to the inventory and shop accordingly.
I've started cooking smaller meals to cut down on the amount of leftovers being thrown out. Everyone still gets fed but there's nothing left in the pot; if there is, it's not much and it sometimes gets eaten. Better than wasting 2x as much though.
I don't drive much. Heck, I don't even get out much. I have a 4Runner and it was filled up well over 2 weeks ago and I've got about 1/4 to last me till next week, which is plenty. I drive to the grocery store, school, and down the street to the pre-school. I could probably walk to the preschool but its on the way to my school too. I have thought about getting a bike that I could take for short trips (under 2 miles) instead of driving but I've got little one with me too so it won't work.
I don't eat out often and when I do I spend less than $5. Most of the time.
I will not go without A/C. No way, no how. I'm in southern Louisiana. That's explanation enough. :p
I have always been interested in making my own detergent and softener but am slightly discouraged by my family. They just don't get it I guess. I think I'm going to try it anyway.
As for $$, I figure up the minimum for me to spend that week and hide the rest. Anything left at the end of the week goes in a jar. Even if its a $20. I have been amazed at how much I rack up in a few months time. I also find that I can survive with a lot less than I thought.
I just stocked up at Sam's. Thinking I might as well get a few more if I go back in the next couple of weeks. I miss the days when Kroger used to run their brand of PB 10 for $10 for 18oz jars.

Those that buy large amounts of sugar -- do you use the food grade buckets to store it? And, if so, would it be okay stored in a dry basement? I have some shelves down there where I keep a good size pantry.

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