Just curious who else is living super frugal

I stuff mine the whole bird. I usually shove an orange or 2, maybe half an onion, some salt, and a twig of rosemary in mine. Comes out very juicy. Toward the end I also rub it down with a herbed butter. Brown Crispy skin and so yummy.
I just finished carving up the turkey, and putting it into vacuum seal bags. Boy was there a lot of it. The nice thing is, now when I don't feel much like cooking, or don't have time, just pop a bag in simmering water and add a few veggies (same pot, less dishes later) and a nice meal in two shakes of a donkey's tail
Ahh, a place for me! My kids have no idea that food comes in a box really. Cake mix only, as it makes perfect cookies and I get it on sale. No cable. Cloth diaper. Line dry, and soak DH's work clothes. It's tight, but we have a 2 yo cushion.
We are going to pick up a few extra turkeys and run the meat through the grinder on my kitchenaid mixer. Much cheaper to grind your own turkey.
I had thought about that, but I don't have a kitchenaid or a grinder, so may pick some up and freeze them until I have something to use to grind them.
I volunteered at the food shelf today. Bagged produce for 3 hours. Ended up going home with several boxes of bruised fruit for the chickens. I went thru the bruised fruit they had tossed in for me and turns out I could salvage a bunch of it for applesauce. Now I have 2 crock pots full of applesauce cooking. And 2 gallon bags of pie filling.
AND I feel good because I was able to help people.

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