Just curious who else is living super frugal

Thankyou. I wrote that a few minutes after I woke up this morning with my first cup of coffee at about 4 am. Wrote it real fast, and when I re-read it, I thought, hmmmm, that came from me? Sometimes we surprise even ourselves, or perhaps the spirit of frugality was working through me this morning, and I was just the instrument that typed it.

Ah yes, early in the morning when the night’s dreams are a diminishing echo, and all of the day’s clutter has yet to dominate your mind. That was the REAL you, Moonshadows. Early in the morning is a good time for you to write!
Anyone else have a copy of the Rumford Cookbook? I think picked this one up at an auction sale. Don't quite remember where it came from. Anyway, it's the 1946, 40th edition (1st published in 1908). By Count Rumford who made great findings on the importance of vitamins in the diet in 1790. Honored as , "the first and greatest scientist of the kitchen. He was the first to study diet; invent an effective oven;, and roaster, and tea kettle, and boiler; to advocate drip coffee, to suggest holes in the handles of pots and pans so they could be hung up; to analyze fuels and the management of heat; to devise the modern air-tight stove; to lay out efficient kitchens; to reason about the construction of oven doors and thereby open up the great field of insulation.". The Rumford Chemical Works gave the US its first baking powder, which is a calcium phosphate BP.
The thing that struck me here was he did all these things before and around 1800. Not that long ago. How long it took us to get there in the first place. And how far we have come since then.
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Thanks DennisK. I get up at 3:30 in the morning. (I drive a school bus. What else for a retired teacher to do? LOL). Even on my days off I like to rise early in the morning when it is still dark before the dawn breaks and the world begins to stir. It's a great time to be awake. It is my "quiet time", and my time to think. I already have 1 website and am working on another (about chickens). I do my best writing for these websites at that time. I also answer my emails then because my mind is fresh.
Thank you all for the fascinating information on oldy-time cooking. The "flour" / spelt thing I had never know before! I had known that processed or "premade" food is nothing like it used to be, but I hadn't considered something as simple as FLOUR was modified! And I hadn't thought about the rationing and how that would effect cooking.
As far as frugality goes, I'm finding that figuring out free/cheap chicken feed has been a wonderfully fun experience!

I'm trying to create a self-sustaining feed source with a large tub full of goldfish and duckweed. The fish and duckweed will keep each other alive, and both can be fed to the chickens!

I'm also putting together a wheat fodder system, which will produce 6x more feed from the same amount of grain.

My mealworm farm is set up, but there won't be enough worms to harvest for a while yet. I'll probably utilize all the bugs in my compost pile until then!
Overall, it will have minimal costs, and IMO it will provide healthier feed!
YAY, frugality is fun!
You are so right. It is fun. (As a kid I used to wonder why my father got a smile and satisfaction when the water or electric bill came in lower than the last one. He loved being frugal.) It's always a fun challenge to find more ways to reap more for less..
You are so right. It is fun. (As a kid I used to wonder why my father got a smile and satisfaction when the water or electric bill came in lower than the last one. He loved being frugal.)  It's always a fun challenge to find more ways to reap more for less..

And I thought that I was the only one who did that. :lau
As far as frugality goes, I'm finding that figuring out free/cheap chicken feed has been a wonderfully fun experience!

I'm trying to create a self-sustaining feed source with a large tub full of goldfish and duckweed. The fish and duckweed will keep each other alive, and both can be fed to the chickens!

I'm also putting together a wheat fodder system, which will produce 6x more feed from the same amount of grain.

My mealworm farm is set up, but there won't be enough worms to harvest for a while yet. I'll probably utilize all the bugs in my compost pile until then!
Overall, it will have minimal costs, and IMO it will provide healthier feed!
YAY, frugality is fun!

I'm still trying to figure that one out. I think that is my most expensive bill.

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