Just curious who else is living super frugal

You might think that you're getting a good deal buying spices at the dollar store, but, I urge you to do some comparison shopping at a health food store. I can buy a nice bag of extremely fresh spices for less than the dollar store offerings. And, I know that what I'm getting at the health food store is very fresh. You can smell the difference. Also, those snap benefits are given in monthly allotments. If you plan a budget, and meal plan, you can save a lot of money by buying all of your food in bulk. Of course, some of that depends on your freezer space. But, if you buy the largest economy cans of tomatoes, and cook all of your sauces at once, or use what you need today, and break the rest of that tomato sauce/puree/dice into smaller portions, those can then go in the freezer. There is also a discount grocery store in nearly every city. I find that when I shop at the one nearest me, I save at least 10 - 20 cents on every item that goes into my cart. Meats are often 50 cents/pound cheaper, and they appear to be better quality than my local Hannaford store offers. An other huge savings: Buy only what's listed on sale in the fliers. Work your menu around those offerings, go to more than one store, buying the specials at each store. Make your own mixes: A bag of flour, sugar, some oil, baking powder, powdered milk will provide you with biscuit mix, pancake mix, muffin mix, and you'll be well set up to do some extra baking besides. Buy your milk at the gas station. They often sell it at the state minimum. That works out to almost a buck/gallon. Don't use a gallon at a time? It freezes well. Make your own breads, or go to the day old bakery. I can spend $8 at the day old bakery and come home with what would cost $30 at the grocery store.
Now this is interesting.  My youngest daughter has seizures caused by medication taken years ago.   Every time she tries to get off the seizure medication, she does fine for about 8 months and BANG,  starts up again.  This was caused by taking Wellbutrin for depression at least 12 years ago.  Some gifts just keep on giving.   I wonder if this might help her.  Hope you're doing okay.    :hugs  

I'm not sure of the website, but it was geared for children with multiple seizures daily. It's a low carb, high fat diet. Mom was on meds that weren't working, and the Neuro just wanted to add more meds. She's been seizure free for 9 months doing this diet. Your daughter might do some research and see if it's for her.
That's interesting here in Indiana we only have state minimum prices on gas, tobacco and booze. They couldn't care less on how much anyone charges for food. I work in a supermarket industry for over 20 years......
Do you not have a local slaughter house near you that process meat for farmer's and their customers? at worst you may get 2-3 cows in any ground beef (perhaps 4) depending on size of slaughter house and how many animals are slaughtered at once.

The last slaughter house in San Diego closed in 1980 ish.... it was the kind that did truck loads... its a Nisson car dealership now. There was one in Chula Vista for a few years after that.

Now there are only two that are considered slaughter houses... ONe in Ramona and one in Escondido... Close enough for me to check out. I know the one in Escondido only does beef. The one in Ramona maybe would do chickens... I know they will come to your place and process a pig for you.

It would be worth it to drive the thirty minutes to get to ramona to see what their services offere.... and while I am there get some ground beef.

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You might think that you're getting a good deal buying spices at the dollar store, but, I urge you to do some comparison shopping at a health food store. I can buy a nice bag of extremely fresh spices for less than the dollar store offerings. And, I know that what I'm getting at the health food store is very fresh. You can smell the difference. Also, those snap benefits are given in monthly allotments. If you plan a budget, and meal plan, you can save a lot of money by buying all of your food in bulk. Of course, some of that depends on your freezer space. But, if you buy the largest economy cans of tomatoes, and cook all of your sauces at once, or use what you need today, and break the rest of that tomato sauce/puree/dice into smaller portions, those can then go in the freezer. There is also a discount grocery store in nearly every city. I find that when I shop at the one nearest me, I save at least 10 - 20 cents on every item that goes into my cart. Meats are often 50 cents/pound cheaper, and they appear to be better quality than my local Hannaford store offers. An other huge savings: Buy only what's listed on sale in the fliers. Work your menu around those offerings, go to more than one store, buying the specials at each store. Make your own mixes: A bag of flour, sugar, some oil, baking powder, powdered milk will provide you with biscuit mix, pancake mix, muffin mix, and you'll be well set up to do some extra baking besides. Buy your milk at the gas station. They often sell it at the state minimum. That works out to almost a buck/gallon. Don't use a gallon at a time? It freezes well. Make your own breads, or go to the day old bakery. I can spend $8 at the day old bakery and come home with what would cost $30 at the grocery store.
All very good points. I really need to get a freezer. That is, after I finish predator proofing the coop and getting my garden set up.
A few months down the line. But I shop at Brookshires in NW La and they have a new Mexican shelf in the produce aisle that sells all the bulk seasonings for $1 each. Fresh coriander seeds, (which I'm going to plant), and a lot of different spices including Indian ones.
Ha, on another note, I just got a text from my DD asking me if there is a purpose for my rooster. It seems, he started crowing at 3AM. Other than using the Blosl White Rock to fertilize my eggs and making a ton of money, I can't think of reason to keep him.
She said that if she keeps her fan on at night, she can't hear him. Just forgot last night.
San diego county its a pretty big county.... I live near San Diego... The last slaughter house we had was down within about fifteen miles of the Mexican Border.

But there are a couple of custom butchers that will process too.... Each are about thrity minutes east of where I live right now. If I were at home it would be an hour and a half drive. Unless I want to try and find one in IMperial County.... Which is closer to my home... and in AG central.... one of the biggest centers for Crops like Alfalfa, Bermuda, Orchard and row crops. I dont know about livestock but I suspect there are quite a few.

Hmmm I never thought of Imperial county... Need to look on the internet. Those cows that came to San Diego for slaughter must have been shifted somewhere else for sure.


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