Just curious who else is living super frugal

I have made the wet and the dry. It is basically the same recipe. For the wet you just add the water and it becomes like a gel consistency. I like the wet better. It lasts longer. Also, I have used the Zote soap instead of the Fels Naptha. I like the smell of the Fels Naptha MUCH better though. The Zote has a very mild smell if you'd rather have a lighter scent.
I made the wet: 1 bar FN, 1 C Borax, 1 C washing soda, 5 gal. water. I dilute it down just a bit for my top loading washer. We have hard water.

I use that same recipe but with 4 gal. of water. Addictive, ain't it? Wait until you see how much money you aren't using for laundry anymore. And how nice it is to your septic.

I have made the wet and the dry. It is basically the same recipe. For the wet you just add the water and it becomes like a gel consistency. I like the wet better. It lasts longer. Also, I have used the Zote soap instead of the Fels Naptha. I like the smell of the Fels Naptha MUCH better though. The Zote has a very mild smell if you'd rather have a lighter scent.

I agree...like the FN better. I also like the wet better than the dry recipe...found myself using too much of the dry for my wash and ran out lickety split, whereas the same amount of ingredients in the wet lasts me months.
You know I really like this thread I wish some one would get back on it.
I'm totally in this situation right now. I'm usually pretty good at being poor. But it helps when other are out there sharing their experiences. I just started reading this thread from the beginning I'm only at about post 200 right now. Love it. Off the grid is the way to go. Maybe it's not practical to go all the way off but as far as you can is rewarding in itself. I know I wish I could just be dropped off at a cabin by a lake in remote Alaska....never look back. That why I live in a tiny town on the middle of nowhere now. Just want peace quite and to be left alone. Make my way one day at a time living off what I can do myself......I know pipe dream but a guy can dream......Phil
I think of self sufficiency is a journey and each day you get a little closer to it. Some people make the journey fairly quickly, others of us just plod along enjoying the flowers.... I to like hearing others ideas and suggestions. I like to hear how others are making the journey with ideas to help me along the way and hopefully I can help others along their way as well.
I agree with you. It's liberating to figure out the difference between needs, wants and desires. OK, I got one for you. Today, I found a gold mine at the local grocery store. They had a whole huge crate of various breeds of squash and pumpkins sitting on the sidewalk. They were labeled as "edible squash and gourds" I saw several different types of pumpkins, and a whole lot of squash varieties. They were being sold for $.99 each. Some of them must have weighed 15#. I picked out 4 of the biggest ones: a huge blue hubbard, red hubbard, green hubbard, and a turban type. I'm going to view a few seed catalogs, and perhaps swing by tomorrow to pick up some more after identifying the types. Then, it's time to learn how to use my pressure canner. The guts will be saved for the chickens, and I'll save all the seeds to sprout for them this winter.

An other money saver: Cheap dates! Hubby and I had a great time today, being child free, running a few errands, and eating on the cheap with gift cards. I had one that was given to me for doing an assembly for 4 first grade classes last spring on the role of poultry on a farm and in the food chain.
I've always loved a version of a self sufficient life style. Unfortunately things happen sometimes that derail that train. I hunt and fish. I have always had a garden...a big garden. Recently I retired because of health issues as a mechanic I have skills which I can barter for most of my needs. I have ducks and plan to expand next year to rabbits, chickens and pheasants. I have never hired a contractor always just figured it out myself. I just built 2 nice duck pens out of all scrap out free wood I barter ed for. And we can much of our own food. The list goes on I've been this way since I first moved to Michigan's Upper Peninsula 33 years ago. If people on this thread ever have a car question ask maybe I can help. I can pretty much fix anything I have to.
Sounds like you made out. Are you going to try to save some of the seeds to plant? One of the things I have started being really aware of it the seasons that different produce and vegetables are available. Not like shipped from other countries available but truly in season, in my area. Then I look forward to each produce as it is in its prime season. For example, I am loving eating pumpkin right now and apples. I also know that fresh oranges are right around the corner and when my family travels down to Florida to visit my grandmother, we will get fresh, ripe, oranges, fresh off the tree... I try to buy in season and stock up if I can but also to eat seasonally as well.

Now if only school was out during "weeding" season.... and planting season...... oh and harvesting as well.....

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