Just curious who else is living super frugal

oh i wish i could id wild fiddle heads. we have many type of ferns here, most are the more toxic varities at maturity.

bought 40 pear rootstock to graft. ariival scheduled for tomorrow. fingers crossed. The pear scions were cut about 2 weeks ago, and though they are in the very cool basement and in low light, they are trying to leaf. Odly they are leaving out sooner than the trees.

cant rememvber the varietyies. Originals planted 20 years ago. Barlett and bosc I think. Love eating a bosc.

Decided to buy the lovell peach seeds at low cost and grow my own rootstocks.. I have the 4 peach gtrees to gather scions when the rootstock is ready. Might try grafting tree to tree to get the hang of the method.

The local group that sells apple scions stopped early, the day I sat down with my list actually. THey stopped 2 weeks earlier than scheduled. Sure glad i did not order the rootstock yet.
Have you grafted before? I have some Bartlett and some Seckel sitting in my fridge. Have a single seedling pear out in the yard. Waiting for the seedling to break dormancy, then will try my hand at grafting. I gathered some cuttings from miscellaneous trees in my yard last weekend, and played around with them. I only did 2 trials, but found that it was fairly easy to do, so hopeful that I succeed with the pear. May pick up some more root stock at the Fedco tree sale next month.
We watched a million utube videos on grafting to get comfortable with the procedures. Learned a few tidbits in each. Like not touching the cut area and using clean washed hands and knives. Using coconut oil as an anti bacterial in the home made grafting wax.

We did about 20 last night of bosc and about 20 today of bartlett. My red anjou died years ago, so only those two varieties left.

I do have about 5 peach varieties and have a great location for any new plants that I graft in the future.

I pruned one of the mulberries that had split with two main stems last summer, and cut one out. THen cut it up and repotted using root tone to assist in root growth.

YEAYYYY DH just arrived with some 40 walmart reusable grocery bags. TO be temporary pots for a while , maybe until fall planting IF the boys get as many trees cut down as they claim they can do....
Using walmart bags the BIG BLUE BAGS to act as grow bags for the early tomatos, and the newly grafted pear trees that need to sit in a nursery for a year then plant out any that survived my novice techniques.

sorry for bad spelling , my laptop wont access the spellcheck for this website.
We try to live frugal..If you live in the country, trying to maximize everything you have to offer, selling firewood, eggs, firewood bundles, etc. We try to teach our kids to make some of their own money so that they can have more of what they want as they start to become teenagers..thus reducing our budgets also.
My newest frugal living endeavor: Learning to graft fruit trees. Also will try propagating some of my fruiting shrubs. I could go the easy route, and buy grafted trees, but where's the challenge in that? Hoping to grow my own seedling trees to use as root stock, and then get scion wood from friends.

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