Just curious who else is living super frugal

Re: sugar

Yeah I bake a lot a lot from scratch, drink coffee with sugar in it everyday. Hubby makes wine. Plus me and my sister's "cookie palooza" is coming up! We both get together, she picks 7-8 cookies, I pick 7-8 cookies and we bake batches of several dozens of each cookie. We do this mainly for xmas, but this year we are also going to freeze rounds for easy cooking throughout the year.

We also do this with ravioli. Make it a "party" with wine, a movie, girl talk, bring over the mixers, pick several fillings, and make ravioli all day long, and freeze it for the freezer.

I also picked up a few turkeys for the freezer. Cheapest meat you can buy right now! Got mine for 58 a lb!!!
I don't get a lot of support either. It's the whole leading horses to water thing all over again. Sure, if I could get eveyone in the household on board the impact would be larger and the non-cooperation does facilitate my own slips here and there but I'm not giving up! The whole thing is still worth learning to do even if others aren't on board. Don't give up!!
Now, I didn't have the roadblock of a husband, so it was much easier for me....but I think if one takes certain small steps in the right direction, let them build one upon another and set a good example, eventually your loved ones will see the light.

If not, you could always beat it into them......

They may never perpetuate the cycle but they are learning things, despite themselves, and you never know when that will serve them in their lives. My teenage boys didn't really want to participate either but they soon caught onto the game and now and again I see it come out in their adult lives.
I admit that I have been easing my family into this for a few years now. Every time I make another change I set a goal. I lay out for them how what we are doing makes sense for us all. I try to set goals for things we can do later if we can manage our finances better now. The kids know that getting and staying debt free is a huge goal and the reward at the end is honestly more family time. Mommy and Daddy don't have to be constant slaves to jobs but rather work for what we need and spend quality time with them. Its all how you sell it.
Hi everyone, I have a family of 5 including myself. We rarely buy new except when I had to get a new bed due to a bad accident. I do extensive coupon shopping...just spent 35.00 on 300.00 worth of groceries. I will do that twice a month. We never buy new clothes and this year I am not buying new for christmas either. I really dont think my kids will notice. I wish I could figure out how to save more money and make my very limited income stretch a bit further so if you have any ideas please
What other ways are you currently cutting back? If we knew, then we wouldn't be telling you something you already know if we give you some tips.

I am only buying used, and using coupons. Thats all I can really think of
You need to slide on over to the SS site~link at the bottom of your page~and do some searches. We have literally pages of info over there about cutting back, making do, not spending, repurposing, etc. Tons!

C'mon over!
read thru the thread as you have time, there are many great ideas including making your own laundry detergent(which ends up costing about $.02 per load) go paperless (use towels and washcloths instead of papertowels and napkins- some of us even ditched tp!)
good luck!

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