Just for fun: crowing quail

Susan Skylark

Apr 9, 2024
Just for fun: describe what you thought the first time you heard a quail crow, extra points if it was an adolescent too! How would you describe the sound to a newbie?

I thought somebody had stepped on a frog! What was that, oh! Then another time I thought my son might have throttled his sister but it was only the birds.
😂 I had just gotten my first quail a couple of weeks ago at around 4 weeks old. First time I ever heard the little guy crow was when I was tending to my Leghorn chicks in the brooder. Had my back turned to him, but the guy was less than two feet away when I heard this croaking screech. Lol, I jumped, looked at the quail pen and he was sitting there all innocently. Shrugged, kept on with what I was doing when he did it again! My brain finally clicked that he was crowing!

What was perhaps more hilarious was my mother's reaction! Later that evening when she came over, I was taking care of the brooders in the living room, she was walking away down the hall when my guy crowed. Poor ma jumped and rushed back over "What happened?!" Lol, she described it as sounding like a cat got stepped on. Still gets her every now and then

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