Just get depressed at times


6 Years
May 30, 2013
Northeast miss
So I till my garden by hand completely...well yesterday I started twice and got rained on twice after I'd started about about 30 minutes in...then...I found a serious fire ant bed...and got covered! No one to help...and I accidentally cut 3 cherry tomatoes off the plant...I wanna just cry...and aphids are surrounding my garden...
That stinks, sometimes you just have a bad day. I planted my peppers and they are really slowly dying off--or not, but basically they look really unhealthy. The weather is also really cold, still have the heat on, so things are germinating. Hope you feel better.
I have to...no tiller...lol
My jalapeños look awful something is getting them and my okra...I feel like crying...
Our spot showers aren't enough rain...may have to try miracle grow...my water hose isn't long enough to reach my garden so I have to carry and dump by hand...my neighbors pants are huge and mine just aren't big at all...so...I still have seedlings coming up though...so that's good...just can't due much due to:
1. Dh being in the hard cast now on arm...no changing diapers or helping much...so no garden time or watching 1 year old.
2. Spotty showers all time
3. Fire ants in garden
4. I have an umbilical hernia.
5. Squires is stealing baby tomatoes.
6. Something's eating my okra, peppers
7. Some peppers I specially bought and never came up...
8. Kids don't help but they aren't old yet...11 year old is at grandmas all time and 9 year old tries but 7&5&1 year olds don't
9. Sure there's more but I'm tired lol
Perhaps this season is the one that you rest, Momma. There's a reason we are called to rest the land (and therefore ourselves!) every seven years (Biblical reference).

The year my MIL got so so ill in March was the year I begged garden produce off of friends. I did some work in their gardens as 'payment'. I could pull a weed, reset a pushed up periennial - but had no ability to do it at my own yard. We were simply too overwhelmed with family, with life, with everything. So I let the land rest that year - and yes, the critters got the little harvest of what I had attempted to put in, the weeds were horrible for the next two years afterwards, and the ants took over (but I eventually beat 'em with boiling water). But I could rest. And still enjoy some fresh stuff, even if it wasn't as much as I was used to or from the sources we usually had. And I could fellowship with girlfriends while working in their gardens!

It sounds like your plate is full - go boil a pot of water to make tea (and ice it if you wish), then pour the rest of the pot over those **** ants! Try not to giggle uncontrollably.

(((hugs))) from someone who's been there, done that, sent the t-shirt to Goodwill and moving onward.

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