Just getting started-looking for Cream Legbars


In the Brooder
Dec 21, 2016
Round Rock, TX

My name is Jessica Reynolds and I live in Round Rock, Texas. I used to raise dairy goats, first in 4-H and then as an open competitor, for about 15 years. I also had pigs, a couple horses and some chickens. Now as an adult, I want to have animals to teach my young kids about life on the farm. I started with 5 pullets this summer and lost one a few weeks ago. Her death helped me discover that I had a mite infestation, so I treated my birds and made some changes (added a sand and DE dust bath area). I am enchanted with rainbow eggs and so far have a Olive Egger, an Easter Egger, a Black Copper Marans, and a White Leghorn. However, I am already looking forward to the future of my flock and am interested in becoming a Cream Legbar breeder. I am researching breeders and plan to start with a few hens and a roo and build up my flock, then trade out the roo so I'm not crossing dad to daughters. Anyways, I have big plans. Any suggestions on Cream Legbar breeders in Texas? It is worth getting stock from Greenfire Farms or should I go with a more small time breeder? Any breeders have consistent blue laying lines rather than blue green or green? I'd appreciate any advice.

I am looking forward to learning more, as I've been lurking and learning.

Thanks, Jessica
Nice to meet you Jessica. You might try posting on your state thread. Just put Texas in the searchbox and it should pop up. I would imagine there is a cream legbar thread as well. They seem to be very popular.
Hello, Jessica and welcome to our community - I wish you all the best with your breeding programme.

Be sure to join the cream legbar thread on the forums! It is pretty active and there are breeders that can help you with questions about cream legbars.
G’Day from down under JessicaJR

I hope your plans come to fruition.

I also hope you enjoy BYC. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun. Unlike non chicken loving friends, family and colleagues, BYC’ers never tire of stories or pictures that feature our feathered and non feathered friends

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