Just getting started...

Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! check out the BYC Learning Center for a lot of basic information https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center Here is a nice article with basic start up costs, as other people said, it really depends on what you are able and willing to make yourself, especially so far as the coop goes since that is usually the big expense, and if you are a diy and can find/ recycle material https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/how-much-does-it-cost-to-raise-backyard-chickens Coop placement will depend on a lot of things, your yard/farm etc layout (prevailing winds/ sun/ shade etc whatever weather is a problem), what is legal in your area (most citys have a law that says how far away coops have to be from homes), your weather, if you are planning on running extension cords in the winter for water heaters or lights instead of hard-wiring the coop, chickens will drink from a stream but if you plan on free ranging so that they have to get water there you may have a lot of losses to predators. You might want to do up a plat of your area and post it on the Coop/Run design forum for suggestions. www.backyardchickens.com/f/9/coop-amp-run-design-construction-amp-maintenance
Here are a couple of links to some nice chicken breed comparison charts you might like, they also list ~ the eggs the breeds should lay http://www.sagehenfarmlodi.com/chooks/chooks.html and http://www.albc-usa.org/documents/chickenbreedcomparison.pdf when you have narrowed down your choices, don't forget to check the BYC Reviews section for member reviews on the different breeds.

Cant really go wrong with RIR chickens
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! Kelsie linked you to some good resources, so I can't add much to that! To save money you can build a coop from recycled materials, some ideas here:


Raising chicks I found works out cheaper than buying started birds and I think your son will really enjoy watching his little feathered friends grow up.

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