Just got my e-mail from Holderreads! 6 week update, bottom pg.8


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009
Kildare, Wisconsin

When I put in my order for Holderreads ducklings late last summer, I didn't want to be too picky. I mean, I wanted the breeds that I ordered, and I didn't want substitutes, so I said that I'd accept any shipping date - I didn't care when I got them, as long as I got my birds. I got my e-mail from this this evening!

"We plan to ship your birds on Monday or Tuesday the week of April 12, with the weeks of April 5 and April 19 as alternate dates."

That means that my ducklings probably went into their 'bators this week, and are already ALIVE!

Anyone else getting Holderread ducklings this spring? Feel free to post your experience here! I'll update next month when my duckings ship, and when they arrive. I just can't wait!
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Out here we dont have an assortment of hatcheries we can order from like you guys do...I love reading these posts about people getting excited about placing an order... getting the Email....getting notification the ducklings were shipped...and Finally ...the Arrival.

Out here you buy from an ad about ducklings already hatched- or adult ducks- or buy eggs to incubate go to an Auction or hope to know a friend of a friend who has what you want. . There are a few places you can order from- But none of them are big. I ordered a Trio of Runners from a guy interstate last year and am still wiating for them. As I wanted top show quality- I have to wait for the next molt before my ducks can be selected form the young stock are flown to my City. We cant post live ducklings here- and shouldnt be posting eggs either- But its the only way to try and get some of the rarer breeds. I wish we had other options like in the States.

I remember when I got an email back from the breeder months ago about the eggs going into the bator...It was so long ago... I am getting impatient now.. But with the price I have to pay for them... At least I know I will be getting good birds when they finially arrive.

Congrats on your email.. at least now you know they are in the bator and you have a date to look foward to.


I still have the old Holderreads price and breeds list from back in 2007, when I first started lurking on their website, dreaming about having some of their birds. I can't believe they're going to arrive in less than a month! There's still so much to do to get ready - I have to finish the new Mallard pen, in order to renovate and get the chickens moved into the current Mallard pen, so that the brooder can go where the chickens are sleeping in the garage right now.

It sounds like it's way more complicated than it has to be, but it's going to give us the best set-up for the birds moving forward.

I'm a little worried - it can still be really cold in April here in Wisconsin...I'm thrilled to be getting my ducklings in their first three hatch weeks of the season, but I'm worried about losing some in shipping. It's a long journey from Oregon to Wisconsin.

But I've read about some of you east-coasters here on BYC who received ducklings from Holderreads and didn't have any losses, so I'm crossing my fingers!
I ordered from Holderreads and still don't have a shipping date
You are so lucky! This is my first time with ducks and I can hardly wait. I hope they come soon. Congrats and let us know when they come
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Trust me - I will be posting a ton of pictures here as soon as they arrive!

Please post yours too!

April 5th is their first hatch week this year: Mondays and Tuesdays the weeks of April 5, 12, 19, 26; May 3, 10, 17 and June 7, so I wouldn't be surprised if you received an e-mail in the next few weeks! I had my order in ridiculously early for this year.

What breeds did you order? I'm getting some more Dutch Hookbills to build up my little flock of them, and then I ordered some "Bargain Duckling Assortment" so that I'd get a surprise; I love surprises!
Where in OZ are you? it may seem odd but I make a special effort to keep track of duck breeders in Australia. If you Show why not get a copy of the exhibitors list? that would give a good starting point for sources in your area. I think there are some all Australia breed clubs that you can search out on the internet that may provide local sources. Given the size of OZ and it's population I can see why mail could be a problem.
Me too!!! Mine are set to ship April 5, with the other two as alternate dates. I've been counting down! I can hardly wait. I'm getting 5 blue Runners to augment my Runner flock, and 10 mixed-color magpies--my first mags!! Hurray!

Please post and let me know how they arrive - yours are going even farther than mine are! Ours might even arrive during the same week!

I find it odd that one of my alternate dates is the week before the planned date - I guess I'll be getting my ducklings early if they hatch extras that week.

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