Bringing Ducklings to Work?


Aug 3, 2020
My duck passed yesterday while we were out of the house. It was very sad since her partner, a pekin, was with her dead body for hours until we got home and realized what had happened. Immediately, I looked for a new duck to adopt so Popcorn, our surviving duck, wouldn't have to be alone for too long. No female ducks available at the animal shelters or on craigslist so we decided to order one from a hatchery which we have never done before. Our previous ducks were rescues we adopted locally. Since Metzer farms has a 2 duck minimum...we ordered 2. Having never cared for ducklings that young (our oldest duck was about 4-5 weeks when we got her) I'm not sure how to go about it. It was the beginning of lockdown when we got our first ducks and we had a lot of time to be with them. From the beginning of the duck journey, we agreed I would be the primary caregiver to them. My husband works from home and owning ducks has been pretty low maintenance for him. They forage around the garden while he's home and he loves them but he didn't sign up to do all the dirty work. Since its a big yard with lots of plants and hidden corners I wouldn't want the new ducks to have independent access to the yard until they are about 7 weeksd old. I work in an warehouse (we are an online store working out of a shared art studio/flex space) and others have brought their dogs with them. We used to have two cats living here full-time. I know it wouldn't be a problem with my co-workers if I brought them to work...but is this crazy? I imagined having them in a big tub by my desk with a heat lamp and handling them a lot while I worked so they got used to me. Then I would bring them home and have them sleep inside. In the mornings before work and the evenings before sundown I could supervise them outside while they got to know our big girl, Popcorn. On the weekends when I have more time at home, we spend all day in the garden anyway so it would be easy to have them exploring with Popcorn while we're around. Then little by little, they would feel more comfortable with eachother and the ducklings would eventually be big enough to sleep outside with Popcorn.

To those who are more experienced with raising ducklings, does this idea make sense? Are there major elements of raising ducklings that I'm not considering here? Would Popcorn be ok sleeping alone until the little ducks are old enough to be with her? Should I bring her to work too or would that be too stressful (knowing her, it seems like that would be more stressful than staying at home in her usual environment). Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. I just want to do what's best for these birds.
So sorry for your loss :hugs

I don’t see why not, if your workplace is fine with it. It might be stinky, though.

I guess just the regular duckling stuff - make sure they’ve got good feed 24/7, a niacin supplement, water deep enough to dunk their bills. Start at around 90 - 95°F for the heat lamp, and lower it by 5 - 7° per week, or however your ducklings feel. Huddling close to the lamp = too cold, panting = too hot.

Definitely be cautious introducing the ducklings to Popcorn that young. Not all ducks are fond of ducklings, and they could get hurt fast. They can look at each other through a fence, but I might wait a few weeks until you let them explore the yard together.

I’d get your Popcorn a mirror to look at and maybe even a duck stuffed animal to hang out with for the time being - the mirror especially will make her feel less alone.
Thank you for your response. I do have a mirror in Popcorn's coop and I take the mirror outside when I let her out in the morning so its always near. It's so sad =( I have a flamingo stuffie that I can put in her coop tonight, I hope it helps.

I have niacin powder on the way, a bucket of black soldier fly larvae and organic feed but it sounds like I will need to get feed specifically for ducklings. Do you recommend any feed for ducklings? I currently get Modesto Milling organic layer feed. Based on your recommendation, I will introduce the babies to Popcorn with a fence between them for a while until they're bigger and more acclimated and when the time comes to have them sleep outside, I will put them in a pet carrier within the larger coop for a few nights first. Hopefully that will keep them safe.

I have a heat lamp from when we had a reptile but I guess I will need a thermometer to know exactly how warm it is keeping them.
Poor Popcorn. She’ll be so happy to have friends again.

The biggest concern with that feed is the extra calcium - Layer feed should generally only be given to egg-layers, hence the name haha. I personally use Purina’s duck feed, and it’s been great, but there’s plenty of other duckling-specific, starter, grower, and all-flock feeds you could use instead.

Another thing to look out for in a feed is protein, which should be around 18 - 20% for the first few weeks, and can be lowered thereafter.

Also, I would limit the larvae, or any treats in general, to no more than 10% of their diet. And if you do give treats, they’ll need grit (small, insoluble rocks) to help digest it properly.

Your plan sounds just fine. I first let my ducklings run around with the adults at 4 weeks, but later is better. Chasing is fine, biting is not. They should all be acclimated with each other within a week or two.

Yes, a thermometer, or watch how they act. They’ll let you know through body language if they’re too hot or too cold.
Thank you for your response. I do have a mirror in Popcorn's coop and I take the mirror outside when I let her out in the morning so its always near. It's so sad =( I have a flamingo stuffie that I can put in her coop tonight, I hope it helps.

I have niacin powder on the way, a bucket of black soldier fly larvae and organic feed but it sounds like I will need to get feed specifically for ducklings. Do you recommend any feed for ducklings? I currently get Modesto Milling organic layer feed. Based on your recommendation, I will introduce the babies to Popcorn with a fence between them for a while until they're bigger and more acclimated and when the time comes to have them sleep outside, I will put them in a pet carrier within the larger coop for a few nights first. Hopefully that will keep them safe.

I have a heat lamp from when we had a reptile but I guess I will need a thermometer to know exactly how warm it is keeping them.
I only use a thermometer the first day or so. After that (especially with ducks), they're usually smart enough to be used as a guide themselves for temperature.
Hey all! Just an update for those who are curious. I got my two ducklings last Thursday. I brought all my supplies to work thinking I would need to jump in the car and jet to the post office the second they called since the guide from Metzer explained they would call for pick up instead of delivering them like normal mail. My husband called me saying they were delivered to our door. He didn't have any of the things and I was so stressed about it! Once I got home I noticed the mystery runner duck (blue runner I think), Shrimp, was squinting and stumbling and the Saxony was just pecking at her relentlessly. I felt so bad imagining their long journey, one bullying the other the whole way. After the first two days with food, water and, rest, Shrimp looked much better and Chicken, the Saxony, seemed to be less interested in pestering her. Actually, the Saxony has a personality that reminds me a lot of a drake we had a long time ago. We got him at 5 weeks and he was so bossy and assertive. Do drake ducklings act differently than females? I hope she's not a drake.. anyway, today was my second day taking them to work and it's been going great! They just snuggle in the corner of their box staring at me while I work. Chicken has been peeping occasionally when I step away from my desk. It's alarming to the warehouse mates who aren't aware there are ducklings in the building. I didn't expect them to be so loud. Can't wait to introduce them to Popcorn but it seems it will be a while until they're ready.

Oh, they are just lovely ☺️ Wonderful names you’ve picked out. I think you’re right about Shrimp being a Blue Runner. So sorry she had such a tough ride; I’m happy to hear she’s doing better now.

I’ve had bossy and assertive ducklings, both male and female. Personally, I’d wait for something more reliable, like voice-sexing them in a few weeks.

That would be alarming 😂 Sounds like Chicken sees you as mama, and is sad / confused to see you go without her!

Do tell how they are with Popcorn in the future, and feel free to ask any more questions you may have.
Out of my two little Call Ducklings I just got from Metzer last week one is getting bigger than the other one. I figure I might have a drake and a hen but the one had diarrhea when I got it and still has a little on its butt so that might be why. They get along just fine though and love each other. That's great that you can take yours to work. Mine are so quiet that you don't even know they are here. The only time my ducklings made noise is when they needed something or were too cold. It sounds like your one has imprinted on you. They are sooooo cute and I hope they continue to do well. Sorry about the post office mess up. I went to our post office a few days before arrival and gave them my phone number in case something went wrong with delivery of mine. They did wait until they opened at 8:30 to call me which before they would call at 6 am and let me come down and pick them up. They seemed fine though so I was fortunate. Good luck with yours.

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