
  1. Post-Hatching Season Clean Up

    Post-Hatching Season Clean Up

    As the hatching season comes to an end for most of us, there are some things I like to do to ensure easy startup for next season. 1. Clean ALL the parts and pieces of the incubators. I used two incubators this Spring. A Hatching Time CT60 and a NutureRight360. I start by completely...
  2. B

    Help ASAP! What should I do about my baby ducks?

    I have a broody Pekín/rouen duck who currently has a clutch and is laying in its eggs. I have some questions and it’s somewhat urgent because they should be born very soon. First of all, I have about 4 drakes and 4 female ducks. I don’t know if the drakes will attack the ducks, since they’re all...
  3. F

    Broody duck with ducklings still indoors? Help

    Recently my duck had 2 healthy babies who have imprinted on her and bonded with her. These babies have reached 4 weeks old now I can’t let them live outside full time yet however they aren’t spending as much time with their mom,the two ducklings sleep together on their own,follow each other and...
  4. V

    Cutting protein of duck starter

    I have been feeding my ducklings duck and goose starter. It says to feed them until 6 weeks of age, they are now 6 weeks but I have so much food left over I don't want to waste it. How can I cut down the protein, it has min 20% protein. I have an Indian runner and a cayuga
  5. AngelinaThePekin8

    Mama heating bad or brooder plate, help setting up a brooder? Ducklings.

    I have 5 ducks eggs incubating right now, they are set to possibly hatch on the 12th of July this month. This is my first time using an incubator to hatch eggs. I am not planning on using a heat lamp if I can so help it. I am thinking either a brooder plate or heating pad. I have been...
  6. W

    Indian Runner Adult and Baby ducks for sale

    I have a beautiful female that is a good egg layer for sale for $35.00 I am in the Phoenix valley, AZ (Mesa). four eight zero two zero two three four zero three - Also 5 week old baby Indian Runners - $25 for females & $15 for males. Adult is white with some pale tan coloring. Babies are black -...
  7. S

    Help identifying duck breed

    Hi everyone, I just got these two ducklings dropped off to me and I need help identifying their breed. Apparently they’re both female but that’s about all I know. Pics aren’t the best but hopefully enough, I have chickens but don’t know the same amount about ducks.
  8. S

    My duckling threw up- is it normal?

    Exactly a week ago I purchased two ducklings from tsc. One is a mallard and the other is a cayuga. Today my mallard threw up- I think it just ate too fast but I can’t be sure. It seemed like it was just food particles and it’s still eating and drinking just fine, nothing else out of the...
  9. J

    Broody duck

    I went out of town so had my nephews stay at my house to care for my animals. When I came home my female was broody for the first time. I was gone for about a week. Since I don’t know exactly when she started I don’t know exactly when to expect her them to hatch. She’s a Pekin and I have one...
  10. MeoWusical

    Baby ducks outside?

    Hello! I’m going to be ordering ducklings from Metzer Farms soon. I live in a trailer and I won’t have much room for the babies in my bathroom bc the cats litter box is in there. I was wondering: would 3 dayish old ducklings be fine outside in an enclosed pen? I live in Oklahoma, and the weather...
  11. M

    ISO Show Quality duck hatching eggs

    Open to all breeds, but would like either runners or call ducks. I’d love to get involved in showing, and I want to do it from hatch to hopefully champion row at a show :). Located in SWFL, I would be willing to pick up or have them shipped. I’d consider live young ducklings as well. I’d like to...
  12. P

    Need advice on solo duckling

    I am not new to ducks but have never had a solo before. I have him or her in a large tote with a hot water bottle and a sweater to nest in. I also have a small heater pointed beside but not at the tote. My questions are: Should I be worried if it is constantly preening, what are the signs of...
  13. D

    Flock Building

    Our Ancona drakes have been really into our Black Swedish ladies…to the point that they will pursue them through the whole garden. It’s happened a few times that one of the ladies will be separated from the flock and I recently spied one who had been sitting alone for quite a long time and was...
  14. OzarkEgghead

    Sawdust as bedding?

    Hi y'all... I've raised chicks/chickens for a decade but this is my first foray into ducks. I have 9 absolutely ADORABLE Ancona ducklings that are a week old now. Initially, I started them out on a thin layer of soft hay bits that fall from the bales for our other livestock. It's very soft &...
  15. L

    Ducklings left without heat lamp for 2 hours, should I be worried?

    I have three call ducklings, two are nearly two weeks old and one is around one and half weeks old. I turned off their heat lamp for a few minutes earlier today, then forgot about it and went on my computer for nearly two hours. I just went downstairs and remembered about it and turned it on...
  16. Frodo the Pekin

    Ducklings and bantam chicks in the same brooder? How bad of an idea is it?

    How bad of an idea would it be to brood standard sized ducklings and mille fleur chicks together? My dear mille fleur hen Agnes died a while back at the claws of a dog. We adored that hen and now have the opportunity to get some of her sisters' fertile eggs to hatch from the farm where we got...
  17. I

    Cayuga or Not?

    I had a broody Muscovy who's eggs didn't turn out, so I got her 4 ducklings. I was told these were Cayuga, which I've never had before, but it seems like they have a lot of yellow (plus one with a lighter beak). I don't really care what breed they are, I just wanted them to distract mama duck...
  18. F

    Can these ducklings

    Can these babies go outside with the rest of my ducks ? Afraid of hawks they have there shelter and such all fenced in but obviously a hawk could still fly up there roughy 3lbs to 4lbs adult feathering on chest tail and coming in on the wings they are Muscovy ducklings thank in advance ☺️
  19. S

    Duckling seem frightened

    Ok so guys I think there is a huge problem with my duckling... The one I love the most Actually from past few days she started flipping over so I had to keep a watch on him everytime He started eating drinking less and pooped watery and sometimes just a drop sizes poop Hes weight has gone down...
  20. C

    Duckling runt?

    I’m hatching a few of my duck eggs and I had this little one hatch two days ago. It pipped right on time but did seem to struggle completely freeing itself. This little one at three days old now is still smaller than a one day old silkie and less than half the size of the other ducklings that...
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