Just got my Ideal order in and am soooooo happy!! ADDED PICS!!

Thanks for the pics of RIR's guys
I am leaning towards production reds
I am going to call today, because someone mentioned that some hatcheries send straight run for peanuts, which means I could have some pullets in there!! So if thats the case, I am definately holding on to them
Those are worth finding out if there are pullets in there

Speckled Sussex are amazing birds!! My old hen Sussie, laid everyday and was the most friendly loving chicken around. When I lost her, it took some time and I started looking and it was so hard to find a hen, so I finally found a hatchery that had some
They look like little chipmunks
I love them
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Ideal is great but i think they use roos for peanuts as long as they are available. Hope you do get some pullets as well though.
OH NO i hate to call ideal again and change my order.. i already change it 3 times.I WANT SOME NAKED NECKS.... i only have till wed till they charge my card.. i like how those nn looks... i think that ideal do use rir roos for packing peanuts
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You are going to love them!! I can't explain how cute they are
My hubby doesn't understand because of what they look like as adults, but Turken, my Turken , is the sweetest hen and lays big oval brown eggs everyday
She is super friendly
When my hubby goes in with the chickens, she is right on his heels

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