Just got some babies, and confused on diet.

20% Protein Flock Raiser I feed straigt for 2 weeks. 3 weeks on I am feeding Flock Raiser mixed with Rolled Oats. The ratio I feed is 5 Parts Flock Raiser; 2 Parts Rolled Oats for 17.5% Protein. :) Don't feel bad, I was driving myself nuts trying to do the right things! This is the link that has nutritional needs, and on this site they have the feed combining calculator. http://www.metzerfarms.com/NutritionalRequirements.cfm?CustID=1496539

NOTE: I am still supplementing niacin in the water for safe measure! 100-150mg per gallon.
Ok, I'll go ahead and rolled oats and brewers yeast if you think flock raiser is fine for little babies. I'm also going to get a paint roller tray, its Time for them to learn how to swim! Its warm out today
So, the only type of stuff i could find to supplement my ducks was a durvet vitamin & electrolytes supplement, which is used for livestock and poultry. It has 22.5mg of niacin per 5 grams of the supplement. It says to put 5 grams in a gallon of water each day. Is that enough? Too much? If its not enough, should i add more supplement in another form once i find one, and just use this now so they are getting something?
I think you are on the right track - give them some extra niacin, what you have, and look for the plain niacin capsules. I guess I was blessed to find plain niacin at our local drugstore.

22.5 mg per gallon of water is about a quarter of what they may need. But we are making some estimates, hedging bets, kind of, because I for one would rather not wait to see if the ducklings get sick to have them on some niacin supplements.
yeah, i was only able to find no flush or whatever and i knew you weren't supposed to give that to them, just regular stuff, so I'll just keep giving them what i have and go ahead and order some online
Would this powder work? If not, it would be really helpful if somebody could link me to what they use and tell me the portions, (if is just one capsule per gallon or what). We have a nice food scale that measures in grams, so i could ration out what they need
The powder looks like it would be perfect. I normally give 100mg-150mg per gallon of water. Does your scale measure that small fo an amount?
So my ducklings have made it to that age to start adding rolled oats to the diet. I was just wondering if I should just them as they are, or if I should cut them up in a food processor then mix all together?

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