just hatched turkey


6 Years
Jul 13, 2013
The mother is not taking care of it. It was a few feet away from her on its back. It couldn't stand up. I brought it in the house and put it in a small box with a heat lamp. That was two hours ago. It seems to be getting stronger. It is nearly standing. How soon should I give it food and water?
Well with chickens they are already filled with nutrition once they hatch and I've heard that they don't need food or water for a couple hours... But dipping its beak in some water and sprinkling some food won't hurt... It'll eat/drink if it's hungry.
It is still alive. It gets around but cannot stand up. Has been at food and is getting water. I put marbles in the water, something I read on the site. It was a good idea because he somehow got all wet in an ounce of water.Do poultry or birds in general discard chicks that they feel are disabled?
It sounds like its mama was lacking in maternal instinct. I had 2 turkey hens manage to hatch one poult and they were scared of it and looked at it like it was an alien! I fortunately came upon this scene before the poult was in bad shape. I bet your poult was just fine but left to fend for itself for too long. I give my poults room temp vitamin water and game bird starter. It sounds like it might have splayed leg... where its legs are laying out flat and it can't walk. The legs can be taped with a bandage to correct it.
Not the case here. The mother had babies twice last year and was a fine mother. She laid her eggs too early this spring and most of them didn't survive thee freezing weather. One did and she mothered him fine. She is now sitting on a clutch of 8 eggs and had one chick under her that is healthy. I have three females. Two are sitting on the eggs and the other one lays the eggs wherever the urge happens. She may have laid one in the vicinity of the other two hens' eggs and they weren't interested in taking care of it. Maybe I am thinking too much. The little one is doing well. It started walking a couple of hours ago. I have thought of reuniting it with the hens but then think maybe they will kill it. Do they get lonely? My Yorkiepoo would love a new toy.

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