Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

Kraftyladies Chocolate Orps are from The Fancy Chicks fall line of Chocolates - They were bantam English Chocolate over full English Black Orpingtons. They are very lovely. I have the same line.

Thank you.
These end at 8am 8/31/13 - then need to ship tomorrow!

#1 - 13 SQ/BQ Black Bantam Cochin Eggs
E Pen: Ego, roo from Sutillman, 1 blue hen and 2 black hens all from different and unknown lines. Decent type. Ego has what they lack.
BLK Pen: Cockerel from Jaime Matts, pullet from Jamie Matts and 2 pullets from another breeder Jamie sent me to at the York, PA Show. I paid $100 just for the Jamie Matts pair.
Start Bid: $40, including shipping

#2 - 16 Mille Fleur Bantam Cochin Eggs
M Pen: Mario, new cockerel from MsBear - he has amazing type! His color is weird though. Almost a mottled salmon. He is over Byron's daughters - See album in signature.
J Pen: Junior (Byron's son) is over hens from Rosalyn Pickens (ok type, good pattern, dark mahogany color), Amy (WestKnoll) and Windshadow Hacienda.
Starting Bid: $30, including shipping

#3 - 17 Chocolate Bantam Orpingtons
GFF lineage (these are 1st generation bred from birds directly from GFF). I have 1 roo over 5 hens. I do have 2 MFCs in with them, but they are raising 3 chicks and not laying as far as I know. See pics in my signature.
Starting Bid: $40, including shipping

Immediate payment required for on time shipping!​
Bhep, I still want some of those lav scovies, but my hubby put the brakes on when he saw a price of $45. Then he turns around and tells me to get on the ball and start selling my scovy eggs. Men are so moody and unpredictable, they're like mares. Will you be at any swaps or shows any time soon? Maybe he would be easier to win over if they were right in front of him and I made my bottom lip quiver just so.......
My boys make a aface with quvering lips and pleading eyes . . . .. I crack up laughing and give in ( usually.)

Love my sovies. TWo dedicated hens still sitting-- secretly praying none hatch. I'm so done with babies for the year. lol
I know, I know. :rolleyes:

Just kidding 

It is all good as long as everyone is having fun and getting their eggs sold /bought

So far so good boss! I love BOTH threads and subscribe to both...I know y'all" talk" behind the scenes..lol each one Kinda runs it different so it's all coved...y'all do a great job and I thank you since it makes it easy for the breeders and buyers and we all are both mostly..lol ;)
My boys make a aface with quvering lips and pleading eyes . . . .. I crack up laughing and give in ( usually.)

Love my sovies. TWo dedicated hens still sitting-- secretly praying none hatch. I'm so done with babies for the year. lol
Oh, I know, I've got 25 little scovies running around here and I just discovered a nest with 24 eggs in it. I cut that number down to eight of the oldest and funkiest looking ones, no more babies. I have one egg left in the incubator that goes into the hatcher tomorrow and then I get to shut the bator off and disinfect it finally.
The bantam Cochin are laying again..........

Blue rooster over blue, blue molted & Mille Fleur hens.

10 bantam Cochin hatching eggs
$30 shipping included.


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