Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

I'm sorry I will try to leave it in the right spot! I just was super excited about these great eggs :) I don't think my access from my phone is the same as the full site but I will look around! Thanks
I'm sorry I will try to leave it in the right spot! I just was super excited about these great eggs :) I don't think my access from my phone is the same as the full site but I will look around! Thanks

it is fine to leave good info here. try to leave feedback in the right place too if you can.
Someone backed out on their bid on the 24hr Auction, so... This is a BIN!
LF Chocolate/Mauve Project Orpingtons
[COLOR=800080]I have 5 Collected! I[/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]MAY[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]still get one more.[/COLOR]
Will Ship Tomorrow!​
My 3 roos are from Pampered Poultry. These boys are large bantams ranging 7-9lbs. My 4 girls are 75% English (2 blue, 2 black). I have only hatched blacks and chocolates from this pen. This project will be gone next Saturday (at least the girls will be), so if you want to try your hand at this project, do so now. I will admit that while fertility has been great, hatchability has not been. I have been ranging from 50-70% hatchability. When I crack the eggs, the bullseye is there.​
[COLOR=006400]BIN (includes shipping): $30[/COLOR]
Post SOLD and send payment ASAP to [email protected] if you want these eggs!​
Its not working on the tablet version either so some of us just are out of luck. :'(

Hi, I love reading this thread! Just wanted to add that I'm on a tablet too; sometimes going to the bottom of the page and changing from "Mobile" to "Desktop" solves some problems (although then the words are teeny tiny)
Ship Wednesday

15+ blue and reg barred rocks. these are heritage Good Shepard barred rocks. great barring on my roo and he is HUGE! hubby calls him a turkey. the blue pullets are getting some great barring since I have been working with them for about 3 years. all birds are correctly barred and will breed true. the have never been out crossed to another breed! pure Plymouth rocks!

$20 with LOTS of extras and shipping is $17

claim it here and pm me for PayPal info. thanks! I can send some SBEL FOR EXTRAS TOO!
FYI-- I have posted an auction on the 24 hour thread for my last buff orpington eggs for the season, or until my pullets start laying. Customer could not take delivery.

Also posted are 5 black copper marans eggs with photos!
Hope on over and have a look.
I have 2 sets of eggs up for auction. The auction ends tomorrow (fri 9/13) at 9pm central time. Payment is expected immediately at auctions end so I can get the eggs packed and to the PO saturday morning. My PO closes promptly at noon. I take paypal only and my addy is [email protected]

I bubble wrap each egg individually and place them air cell up in an egg flat then place another egg flat on top and tape them together so the eggs don't get bounced out in transit. I put a nice layer of either plastic grocery bags or shredded paper on the bottom of the box. I lay the egg flat as center as I can and I pack all around it and on top of it with either plastic grocery bags or shredded paper. I prefer the bags because they are softer even when packed in tight. I use shredded paper when the bags aren't available.

Auction 1
20 Guinea eggs. I have a mixed flock of pearl and white. Some of the pearl have some white spots on them one roo is completely white. I have been hatching them out and I get mostly pearl and just a few white. Bidding starts at $10.00 and shipping is a flat $15.00

Auction 2
Bidding starts at $10.00 with shipping at $15. Auction ends friday (9/13) at 9pm central time. Please pay at auctions end so I can get the eggs out saturday before noon.
A combination of a dozen silkie and sizzle eggs. Right now I have a variety of silkies laying which are
SQ splash pullet with white cockereal (spl/w) I don't have a pic of the cockereal but he is very similar to the white roo in the sizzle pen
SQ self blue hen with a SQ porcelain roo (spl/po) Their offspring are mostly splash but they throw a few blues and they all have been SQ
Splash hen with SQ splash roo

This splash pullet is the result of my splash roo and hens.

This hen is from Bobbi Porto stock

All 3 pics of the porcelain roo above are the same roo. He is from Bobbi Porto stock

All 3 pics of the splash roo above are the same roo and he is also from Bobbi Porto stock

The white chicks with the splash hen are from the white silkie hen which is now broody. The splash brooded and are raising the foster chicks.

The sizzles I'm not sure exactly which girls are laying so I'll post all the possibilities along with the white silkie roo

This sizzle won 1st in a show this spring. I didn't get pics. I was too busy going back and forth from selling to the show

This black sizzle has light blue on the ends of her primaries on one side. She is the pullets sister above.

The frizzled silkie partridge also won 1st in the same show as the splash sizzle above.
I've hatched several eggs and here are the ones a hen raised that I put in the sizzle pen. Some have been sold and I do have more in the pen next to them and more in the house. Just don't have pics yet of those.

With both auctions the amount of eggs is what I have on hand right now. I will add any eggs I get tomorrow as extras.

I want to relist the silkie and sizzle eggs. If I had time to repost all the pics I would but since I don't have much time to do this I"m "Quoting" my last auction. This is just for the silkie and sizzle eggs. It's for 8 eggs with the bid starting at $10 and the postage is $13. I'll add any extras I get. This auction ends tomorrow (9-19) at 7pm central time. Please pay promptly. When I receive payment I'll pack them up. My printer is on the fritz so I'll send the DC# to the buyer after I return from the PO on thursday. I take paypal only and my addy is [email protected]

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