Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

i might be too... agh I don't know, i have like 7 different people i want eggs from!
Remember...bantams take up a lot less room than LF. You can have three times as many. :ya

I thought bantams were recommended to have 3+ sq ft per bird, versus LF being recommended to have 4+ sq ft per bird, in the coop.

Please correct me if I've been misinformed. I'm still learning.
I have never seen a LF take up 4 sqft at night when sleeping. My coop is always 4x4 and I have seen about 30 young birds get in the coop no problems. NOW Runs are a different issue. Birds just take up their body width in the coop at night to sleep and that is about all they use it for too.
In my climate too (NJ) my birds just sleep in the coop. Otherwise they are outside unless they are laying an egg. In early September I had 21 LF and 5 bantams roosting just fine in a 5 x 6 coop. However come snowy days, they won't set a toe outside the coop if there is snow on the ramp. In winter 17 birds fit just fine in there

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