Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

A lot things on the internet can be read pretty harshly :/ that's the problem with the written word.

There are tons of people who don't meet the requirements for BST and don't know because they didn't read the rules, so I think it's understandable that dmrippy pointed that out rather matter-of-factly, as it's been done hundreds of times (especially since the rules to this thread are stricter). I'm just lucky I lurked for so long that I saw some newbies getting scolded before I posted anything

The rules help prevent dishonest people from buying and selling on BYC (not saying you're dishonest
Cali Farms, you can always post a classified in BST! EDIT: and I see that you've already done that!
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Oops, I see that I posted to a thread which I shouldn't have- I'm a newbie and it looks like this thread is for 6 mo + members. So sorry, I'll get the hang of it soon I hope.

Welcome! The rules are like that because there was a problem with people signing up just to spam or scam. If you are still posting after the date that your newbyness wears off we know that you are truely bitten by the Chicken Bug. We work on the honor system and the notion that our word is bond. We get some occational bad eggs but they don't last too long usually and dissapear. We are virtual neighbors and we like to hang on to that old fashion idea of helping each other out.

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