Just joined from central PA.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 18, 2009
Hey everybody. Hoping to become a chicken person like you all.

I've been reading the forum for several months and appreciate all the good advice. I often wished I lived out of town on a farm but never made it, so when I picked up a magazine with a chicken on it recently I thought I'd start right where I am with chickens. I've never seen a real live one, so I thought I'd hatch one. Surfed the web, found you guys, and after studying a while I built an incubator from parts around the house. Now I have 22 eggs in it that I got in the mail. They are due to hatch this Saturday, the 21st. I'll be as disappointed as my kids if they don't make it. Everything looks alright so far, wish me luck.
Welcome to BYC! You will love it here

-Austin from SC
This forum has the most wonderful instruction and friendly people anywhere willing to offer, share and assist ideas and information.

Good luck with your hatch - that's a pretty big undertaking to BYO incubator and try to hatch eggs - me? I bought the eggs first, realized in transit I didn't have access to a bator and ran to Rural King.

Now I'm a confirmed hatchaholic!

Welcome to BYC
Thanks everybody.

Yes I candled them with a flashlight. The first time I could see something in all of them except two, they were clear so I threw them out.

My wife wasn't keen on the whole idea at first but now she says if they don't make it we can buy the chicks if I want, so I'm good to go. I already started on a coup. Also, I work the next three days so at least the time will go fast and I won't hover over them like a mother hen (or father rooster I should say!). I'll check back here but follow up over in the incubating/hatching forums to let you know what happens. Thanks again for the welcome.

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