Just lost one hen..Please not another..Don't know what to do


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Today is awful!!!

One of my hen's was sitting in the nest box last night when I went to lock them in. Weird but she tends to get broody. Went to let them out this morning and she was sitting on top of the nest box not moving and eyes closed. Really lethargic. Held her and tried to give her water. Her comb was turning grayish/black when I found her. We lost her. My favorite girl Penny.
She was a buff leghorn and about 3 years old. She has been acting fine until last night. She has been staying close to the coop and run lately though when I let them out into the yard..

Now I have another hen from the same group whose comb is very light colored today instead of red. She's being kind of slow and closing her eyes a lot. She's eating and drinking fine though. I hope she's not sick. I don't really know what to do. Does this sound like she may be sick too???
Thanks welasharon! I did contact Dawg53. I gave her a bath and tried to massage her in case she is eggbound. I am also going to use the valbazen wormer. She is still acting strange but is still eating and drinking. She is a sweetie and I would hate to lose this one too.

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