Just love chickens...don't you?


In the Brooder
May 20, 2024
Hi everyone and thank you for allowing me to join the group...again. I belonged years ago when I was a chicken momma....sadly we had to give our flock away due to unforeseen circumstances. But now years later I am the very proud grandma of more chickens than I can count. LOL Of my 4 children, 3 have their own flocks at their homes. I love visiting and always pay attention to my grandchickens. I wanted to rejoin this group so I could continue to gain knowledge to pass on to my kids for the safety, health, and wellbeing of my grandchickens. I can't even begin to tell you how many different kinds they all have bantams, silkies, buffs, and the list goes on. Just like my grandkids I take treats with me when I visit and make sure all get some....don't worry I'm not feeding the chickens candy....they get fresh veggie/fruit scraps. I love it when my daughters Roo comes running to me anytime he sees me arrive just like the grandkids <3

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