Just moved chicks outside


Sep 13, 2018
Currently at 5 weeks old. Warm spot in the coop is 65 degree's.

They've been out there and doing okay for most of the day. My question is, they should be sleeping by now and they're not. They are all up chirping pretty consistently. Is it just a new location or is it too cold?
They were in the house without a heat lamp at temps around 68 this week and fine.

They weren't balled up (which is how they were sleeping in the house even with a heat lamp).

Maybe I'll go out and lower the heat lamp.
They're probably upset because it's new and frightening. If they were doing ok at 68 and it's 65 in the coop, the temperature isn't likely the issue - though I would check to make sure their roost or sleeping location isn't drafty.
I ended up putting the heat lamp in there and after about an hour they calmed down. I have one chicken who's not developing nearly as fast as the others (not sure if something's wrong, but that's another thread) and she was the main one being vocal.

Immediately after putting the heat lamp in, she laid under it stretching her leg out and lifting her wing up to warm herself.

I left for work at 5 this morning and everyone was sleeping, so I of course woke them up to say hi.

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