Just moved in and inherited the girls ... but this doesn't look right!

I separated the barred rocks and gold one above yesterday. BUT I noticed one of the red is not pecked! My husband saw it pin down another chicken while we were catching the other three. So now I'm worried I didn't take out the right ones and the others are just more resistant .... but I will keep an eye out and see!
Its hard too tell sometimes. Sounds like the red was mounting, it's a normal act of dominance. Maybe swap the red and the golf tonight and see how the good acts with the other tomorrow. It might just be a few days of swap and play to figure it out. It is possible you have more then 1 mounting hen also, this might explain some of the excess of damage.
You have all hens, and it appears that most are the victims of feather pecking/plucking. You can bet that those with no feather loss are the culprits. Do an on site search on Pin Less Peepers. They can be affixed to the trouble makers and removed once the others have regrown their feathers.
You can purchase a feed called feather fixer by Nutrena and it will help with the regrowth of feathers and help your girls start laying and feeling better. You can purchase a product called no peck lotion from Valley Vet on line to put on the bare spots to stop the pecking. It works and smells like grapes. I have a huge flock of over 100 birds now and growing, This what I do. You might want to think about worming them too.... I also use a product called Zyfend wormer, there is no age withdrawl and it is easy to use by just adding it to the water.
How are your hens doing?
I took the four hens without pecking and put them into the other coop - the three with the bald spots are in the original coop. The one red I moved however is not happy about it.... I'm going to give her another day to calm down or I may put her back with the other reds - she was calmer with them and they are alittle more spastic without her as well. I'm starting to see their personalities and pecking orders shine through. It's so wonderful to actually get to know them better. My husband and I are looking to build a larger enclosure this month but I may keep one of the smaller set ups for the reds to heal. I ordered wound kote for the reds bare spots to protect them from the sun. So still a work in progress but hopefully all will be well for them before winter sets in!! Thank you so much for asking!!
You can purchase a feed called feather fixer by Nutrena and it will help with the regrowth of feathers and help your girls start laying and feeling better. You can purchase a product called no peck lotion from Valley Vet on line to put on the bare spots to stop the pecking. It works and smells like grapes. I have a huge flock of over 100 birds now and growing, This what I do. You might want to think about worming them too.... I also use a product called Zyfend wormer, there is no age withdrawl and it is easy to use by just adding it to the water.
Thanks!! Will do that also!!
You can purchase a feed called feather fixer by Nutrena and it will help with the regrowth of feathers and help your girls start laying and feeling better. You can purchase a product called no peck lotion from Valley Vet on line to put on the bare spots to stop the pecking. It works and smells like grapes. I have a huge flock of over 100 birds now and growing, This what I do. You might want to think about worming them too.... I also use a product called Zyfend wormer, there is no age withdrawl and it is easy to use by just adding it to the water.
Btw none of the reds have stopped laying. They are hardy girls indeed!! I think one is a hybrid though because she has black feathers on her back and wings and is a bit larger then the others. I don't know what type the gold one is but she has become a family favorite because she is so vocal when we walk to the coop and extremely friendly. But she has a raw hind end I need to get a closer look at as well.

The black and white ones with the barred patterns have a name that suits them. They are Barred Rocks. The red ones look like production red's and the one black is an Australorp.

You have a beautiful flock of hens. Absolute no roosters. The one in second-last photo, far back, may be a rooster if I saw a better photo... But most likely hen.

The bare-backs may be cause by mounting, (but in your case- I honestly don't think so). My foggiest guess is that your BR's (Barred Rocks) are the culprits. They are spotless. No bare-backs, right? This most likely means that the Barred hens are the bullies of the situation.
You can use anything to cover it that you get advice on, from gel's to aprons... (I prefer more natural than the gels sold)... But I'd let it be and just pluck a feather from the bully when they go to peck an innocent hen.

My hens had a bully at some point in time... I let them be and they are all healed now. They are nine years old! I think they were fine. ;)

Also... Your hens may be stressed. Give them plenty heat in the winter and perches all year round. As long as they can escape a rude hen... They can handle themselves and heal.

Your hens are fine! Just don't let the mean ones win. Good luck, God bless. I hope this information helps you on your journey. You have beautiful hens that look healthy.

Have a nice evening!

-The Angry Hen
It looks like you have rhode island red, red sexlink/red star, bared rock and if the black one has redish brown mixed in it would be a black sexlink. You could look through on line at the poultry hatcheries to get more familiar with chicken breeds and the best part it's free! When I taught 4-H kids that's what I did but we had magazines then no internet.... this is a good teaching skill.

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