Just ordered my flock. Hope I did good.

You did a Great Job! In fact, I think i might order the same thing you did next year! You will have a good mix of Brown , White, and Green eggs. And Like D.P.R said, the australorps wil lay better than the leghorns. Where did you order the chicks?

We need PICTURES when you get them!!!!
Our local feed store orders from McMurray. She won't sell the chicks until after she's had them three days. . . she doesn't want her customers to have any losses. I asked her to add mine to her order. She also liked the idea of the Brown Leghorns so she got some from herself. I like the idea of the different colored eggs. It's fun and it will help me to keep better track of who's laying , etc... The only other ones I wanted but she couldn't get in were the Plymouth Barred Rocks and the Blue Australorps. So when my chicks come in I'll check some of the other local feed stores and see if they have any. If not then the next time I add to my flock I'll get some. My source said that in 60 chicks she gets she loses one...and she also said that they're accuracy for sexing is nearly 100%. She's been ordering from them for the past six years. She said that the only "bad" lot she got was when she ordered chicks that included a bunch of New Hampshire Reds...the NHR cannibilized the others. McMurray gave her a full refund and needless to say she hasn't ordered NHR's again.
Well done.
Enjoy your flock
That's a good variety. You'll get a very colorful egg basket from them. My black australorp is the only one of my four that laid all winter.

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