Just quit my job today...finally out from under a family of bullies!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
Well...even with all the unemployment, I was finally able to find a new job and quit my current job. It's a new experience for me, since I generally am a long-term employee...but I just couldn't take anymore of the 'bullying' by the owners. The lack of respect they show their employees and lack of integrity were just too much. I feel like the weight of the whole world has been lifted from my shoulders.

I realize I'm new here, but I just had to tell someone. I hope that everyone who's looking for a new job can find one.....but in all honesty, I could never recommend anyone to work at my last employer, so please don't ask their name.

My favorite part of today was coming home to the chickens and watching as 'Goldie' my buff orp came flying out of the coop and landed in 5 feet of snow that partially buried her. She just looked at me and waited patiently for me to rescue her. It was a good laugh.
Congratulations! I have had my job for more than 11 years - have loved it immensely until just recently when the "elected official" who is the boss has become unbearable. My once happy office has turned into a place worse than a morgue with the moral at an all time low. He seems real proud of being able to use the f word at some of us and I am just sick over the treatment. My age prevents me from going anywhere else since I would be starting over with wages and benefits.......we only can hope the next election gives us someone new.........
I am happy for you - I know what it is like to work in a toxic environment!
My high point is coming home and holding some peepers - they make me smile!!!!!!
I am glad that you were able to change your job
It's a brave thing to do.
I had one of those jobs years ago, and it can drain the life out of you. It's a horrible feeling to get up in the morning and hate going to work, even thou you are the type of person who loves working. So often we end up with jobs that we have to do and not jobs that we would like to do, but since we spend half of our life working, we should at least try to make that time bearable. I usually advice for “bite your tong, and hang in there” , but there are times when the situation can get so bad that you need to conquer your fear of financial uncertainty and try to find something else.
Congratulations on the new job, and on being able to leave the old one! I had an employment situation where the boss had a few favorites, but made everyone else's life hell. I'd been there almost 10 years, but leaving that place was the greatest feeling!


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