Duck love is recognizable in any language
Wanted to show you all my flock today.
Oliver is the Cayuga,
My two male Pekins are Quakers and Huey,
The female Pekins are Donald and Patches,
And my blue Swedish is Smokey.
Patches just recovered from a raccoon attack and I’m expecting her and Smokey to lay in under a month. I’m pretty sure Smokey is now about 23 weeks and patches 18 wks maybe. Oliver is my calm little one, (he’s my favorite duckling.. Quakers is my favorite) 21 weeks, and Huey is 19 weeks, but he is only one day older then patches. Quakers and Donald are both 1 year in three quarters. I hatched Huey and Patches from Donald’s eggs.
Oliver is the Cayuga,
My two male Pekins are Quakers and Huey,
The female Pekins are Donald and Patches,
And my blue Swedish is Smokey.
Patches just recovered from a raccoon attack and I’m expecting her and Smokey to lay in under a month. I’m pretty sure Smokey is now about 23 weeks and patches 18 wks maybe. Oliver is my calm little one, (he’s my favorite duckling.. Quakers is my favorite) 21 weeks, and Huey is 19 weeks, but he is only one day older then patches. Quakers and Donald are both 1 year in three quarters. I hatched Huey and Patches from Donald’s eggs.