Just started laying and stopped...


In the Brooder
Aug 16, 2019
Bradenton, FL
Hello everyone! I'm new to raising chickens so this may be an over concern. One of my 23 week old Buff's started laying about 2 weeks ago. She laid her first egg on a Tues then another on Thursday. Then we went out of town for a week that Friday. My mother-in-law checked on the girls while we were gone. She got no eggs on Monday and then 4 on Thursday! Since we've been home (a week now) we've only had 1 egg. It has been raining everyday for two weeks so they haven't been able to free range as much either. Not sure if that's the problem, or she's just getting a regular egg laying routine or she's mad cause we went away or if she's egg bound.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Many new layers are inconsistent, especially this time of year. Orpingtons generally lay 3-5 eggs a week for a while than they stop laying for a while. You will see your best production in early spring.
Chickens don't get mad and stop egg production. It's ovulation, pure and simple, and they have no control over it. Hens new to laying are like kids learning to walk, it takes their bodies a little* practice to get the hang of it.

*typo, fixed
Yeah, they don't get 'mad', but they can be stressed by changes in routine and housing and that can affect laying.

4 birds total?
Can you actually tell their eggs apart...
....and that's how you know for sure that one bird is not laying??

How big is their coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics, inside and out, could help here.

Oh, and....Welcome to BYC! @NurseNick33
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
Yeah, they don't get 'mad', but they can be stressed by changes in routine and housing and that can affect laying.

4 birds total?
Can you actually tell their eggs apart...
....and that's how you know for sure that one bird is not laying??

How big is their coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics, inside and out, could help here.

Oh, and....Welcome to BYC! @NurseNick33
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
View attachment 1880232
Yeah, they don't get 'mad', but they can be stressed by changes in routine and housing and that can affect laying.

4 birds total?
Can you actually tell their eggs apart...
....and that's how you know for sure that one bird is not laying??

How big is their coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics, inside and out, could help here.

Oh, and....Welcome to BYC! @NurseNick33
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
View attachment 1880232
Hey aart, thanks for the info. I have 6 birds total. I know it's one of the 2 buffs cause they are 4 weeks older then the other 4, who are just turned 20 weeks. And I think I know which one it is but I'm not 100%.
We've had a ton of rain lately here in SW Florida so I noticed there was a bunch of mosquitoes in the coop and nesting boxes. I spent some time today putting screens over all the openings in the coop an filling in any gaps. As well as spraying a solution of water, lemongrass and tea tree oil all around inside the coop while the girls were out free ranging. I also got some of those decoy eggs and placed them in the boxes as well.
You asked about their coop too. It's 4'x4' and the run is 8' x 8'.
Thanks again for the tips. I'll just keep plugging away at it


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