turkey crazy

10 Years
Mar 16, 2009
hello just starting out with the whole farming thing some chickens and turkeys, tired of the medicated stuff you get in the store and paying more for things they do less to, anyhow is it ok to keep three turkeys with about 12 chickens , i dont want to get them sick because of the disease that chickens can give to turkeys, i have a coop about 10 foot wide and 24 ft long 8 ft high , thanks alot
What breed of turkeys are they? Do they free-range?

I keep my chickens and turkeys in similar areas with no problems. But my free-range during the day and share the coop (sometimes) at night. If you have heritage turkeys, they often prefer sleeping outside anyways.
I keep turks and chickens together, if blackhead is in your area then you will probly have problems, when I start turks I place some chicks in with them to teach them how to eat, drink. baby turks can't see very well. My turkeys free range they live in the pine trees havn't been in a pen or building since last may.

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