Just Wanted To say Hi !!!


9 Years
Apr 8, 2014
East Bethel, Minnesota
I've been lurking around BYC for some time now, and learning alot. Thought it was time to "come out of the shadows". I'm new to raising chickens so I'm sure I'll be asking plenty of questions.

Now alittle about me, I'm setting up my coop in East Bethel, Minnesota. I'm waiting for my 25 Americania - (easter eggers) to arrive next month (May). I've got some prep work to do before they arrive. I'm a pretty handy woodworker, so I'll be building alot of the things I need myself, first up.. a brooder... Got lots of ideas from post's here... How do you guys keep from getting carried away...lol...

Well, I'll post some pics as I move along, Thanks in advance for being a part of my Chicken Adventure....

~ Greg
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with the coop and brooder build and the chicks when they come, hope all arrive safely! Most people wind up getting carried away, it is called Chicken Math, if you are starting with 25 imagine where you will be in a couple of years ...
Just remember to put a couple of chairs & some table for snacks outside the run so you can watch chicken tv. No reruns, new adventures every day.
Alright Greg,

Welcome to BYC!

Waiting for chicks to arrive is always a bit stressful! Keep yourself busy preparing and getting ready for the big day. If you have any questions about anything, that is what we are here for.

Enjoy your new adventure and welcome to our flock!
Thank You Everyone for dropping by and saying HI... I'm glad to be a part of BYC.... !!!!

OOOpppps.... Forgot to tell you, I got my chick ship date today.... May 19th....
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