Just wanted to show off the new chick perch that I built!

Thanks! You're making me more impatient to get chicks when you talk about how much they'll love it!
One problem that I see is..... the dowel rod isn't screwed or nailed (from what I see) to the 2x4 blocks thus making the rod turn back and or forth thus making the chickens fall off everytime they get on the roost.
Josh you could get one of those little metal "L" pieces at a hardware store. They are about an inch or so. Screw into base and then into the dowel . With a cordless drill it won't take but a second to take the screw out to clean the dowel.
I'll look into that but I think I will have alot of time because it turns out that I might get chicks on the 20th instead of tomorrow.

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