Just wondering if I changed my user name & topics...................

You do belong to a special club - your name is Debbie.
just keep posting. there are so many threads being posted all the time, new ones bump the older ones down the list. So it's not that people are ignoring ya or that you don't belong, It's just that there are so many threads being added all the time.
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Well Mdove, you're on to something. Making your thread titles catchy and your topics interesting goes a LONG WAY toward attracting people to reading and resonding to your threads. That's not to say that you need to razzle-dazzle a question about sour crop, but keeping in mind what people like to read helps.

I was a wallflower for a very long time (over a year) on BYC before I made any friends at all. (I was shy about internet things.) Good luck.
AWW I love you too TaLani!!!
my username is the shortened version of my indian name! .....you know I have posted many posted questions and am lucky is anyone answers them....I know you do at least!!!!
I also felt that way, thought I was a thread killer. I care very much about you all. Some of us don't get out much and consider ya'll friends and community support.

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