Kalmach feeds


9 Years
Dec 30, 2014
with all the bs regarding feed I’m looking for an independent source.
one of my local guys has Kalmbach products.
they appear to be an independent manufacturer of animal feeds but at this point who the heck knows.

any info would be appreciated.

I've fed my chickens Kalmbach 20% Flock Maker for several months now, with grit, oyster shell, and crushed egg shells on the side. I have 6 hens and a rooster. (3 hens are nearly 3 yo, and 3 are about 18 months.)

I like this feed for several reasons. Price seems fairly reasonable at 22.59 for 50 lb bag. I like the small business where I buy it. My chickens all had "hard" molts this year, and they now look beautiful.

They all stopped laying in October/November. I found my first post-molt egg December 2. I am getting a few eggs a week, about 4-5. Five hens have nice red combs and wattles, the sixth is still faintly pink. The weather has been downright weird this year, and January was very gloomy.

I have no idea if changing their food will get them laying more and more often. But I'm sticking with Kalmbach 20% Flock Maker.
with all the bs regarding feed I’m looking for an independent source.
one of my local guys has Kalmbach products.
they appear to be an independent manufacturer of animal feeds but at this point who the heck knows.

any info would be appreciated.

Kalmbach is all I use. I started getting it from Chewy but found it alot cheaper at my local Agway. It's always fresh!
I feed Kalmbach's 20% Flock Maker and it is a really great feed. Over the past few years I have tried many different feeds and the first time I tried Kalmbach I noticed that shortly after my birds looked noticeably healthier. I thought it was possibly coincidence so multiple times I have gone back to other feed brands and then back to Kalmbach. Every time my birds would start to look noticeably healthier. Now I will buy Kalmbach as long as I can get my hands on it.

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