Kaye's free range turkey thread

Free range turkey questions: do they need a coop or just perches? I live in Idaho, average day time temp is 45-50 for a month. Previous owner lets them free range and only has perch in field. Feed? Nesting for turkey hens? Thanks
As long as they have a wind break they really only need a perch. Coops are the best way for predator protection at night. My turkeys act stupid when it rains. They insist on standing out in it. Make sure they do have somewhere to go incase of storm.
They need a lot of protein in their diet, this is why turkeys do so much better free ranging than they do in a cage. Bugs are full of protein is turkeys love them. They need your help with grains and greens. Garden variety kitchen scraps are always good for turkey.
I also think hens try everything in their power to nest anywhere but where you want them to nest. So I also need an answer to this question.

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