Kayla’s Flock!

Would love to join in on this thread!

Kinda a change of subject, but I have never had blue orps before (I aim for egg-laying vs meat ) and was wondering what their temperament is. Would they be up for New England weather?

I always stay with my favorite easter eggers and wyandottes and would like to branch out to other hardy, egg-laying breeds.
Would love to join in on this thread!

Kinda a change of subject, but I have never had blue orps before (I aim for egg-laying vs meat ) and was wondering what their temperament is. Would they be up for New England weather?
As for temperament they are super docile. Egg laying? From 4 blue orps I get 3-4 eggs per day. :) thank you for joining in!
As for temperament they are super docile. Egg laying? From 4 blue orps I get 3-4 eggs per day. :) thank you for joining in!

That's great! I don't need chicks next year (we have some little ones now), but in a year from now I'll need some more, and I'll add blue orps to the list along with black australorps. <3

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