Kdogg331 Chat Thread

Went to Plymouth Plantation today. Planning on possibly having some salad from my garden tonight too as I think the spinach is ready or at least needs to be thinned so baby spinach is fine lol
One of my tomatoes is huge but hasn't flowered yet and idk why. This is one of my 4 potted ones. The other 3 all have flowers, especially 2 of them which happen to both be the same variety.

Next year I'm planning on trying Black Russian cause I was reading that some people say that the black heirlooms are their favorite kinds of tomatoes but that Black Russian especially are their favorite of the blacks. They said Black Krim is good but that Black Russian has more flavor or something? But the fruit is smaller than Black Krim but that's okay.
I loved Black Krim, but the plants got blight and were in general not very hardy. My tomato plants are massive and have tons of green tomatoes on them. I put them in Kozy Kotes and plant them out earlier to get a jump on the tomato season.

Maybe your slacker tomato is a longer day type?
Hmm that's disappointing. :/ I hope it does well!

And I had to Google that Kozy Kote thing but it looks cool!! I admit I got mine in late, I didn't actually put them in ground until like a week ago lol but I had them in pots before that so they were pretty big but I planted really deep. But these ones have been in large pots the whole time and are way bigger than the other ones and covered in flowers lol but I also bought them whereas the in ground ones are all from seed. I have 2 Brandywine and 2 Marriage "Genuwine" which is a cross between Brandywine and Costoluto Genovese. The Genuwine are both huge and covered with flowers. The Brandywine Pink are pretty big but not quite as big and like I said one of them is not flowering yet. But I also have those 2 in clay pots and the other 2 are in plastic and I think I planted the Brandywine really deep so maybe that's the issue? Maybe not enough room to expand or the clay absorbs the water. Idk. But they both look extremely healthy and not sick or anything. Just no flowers on the one.
I always plant my tomatoes deep. I pinch off leaves and bury them up to their neck. Every time you move or transplant a plant it goes into shock and takes a bit to settle in and start to grow. Tomato in general need lots of room to expand. I have never grown them in pots so I can't say how they grow in them.

I'm zone 4 so I gotta do what I can to get a jump on the growing season. Most people don't get tomatoes until the end of July to August here. I can get them as early as the beginning of July or even the end of June if it's an early spring, which this year it wasn't.
Yeah, that's what I did too and they seem to be doing really well but idk. This year I think I transplanted them too late so I hope I get tomatoes. I should have put them straight in the ground Memorial Day but oh well. I mean, they were huge and doing really well but now I transplanted them up the neck again/only top leaves exposed so they gotta grow big enough again which takes time so I hope I get tomatoes. But they're growing really fast already. The ones I planted 6 days ago are already getting really big again/have grown a lot so maybe I will get tomatoes after all. But next year I'm gonna transplant earlier and start earlier so I hopefully get tomatoes earlier. Last year I started wayyyy too early like January or February and then this year I started a little bit late. Next year I'm hoping to perfect it lol but it's usually pretty warm even in September and if not I might build a greenhouse lol
Btw any idea why my spinach would be turning yellow? Maybe too small of a pot? It's less than 12 inch and crowded with a bazillion plants cause the seeds are so small lol

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